Join us online or in person to learn about TCRC’s Purchase of Services Expenditures (how much was spent on services) from the prior fiscal year. TCRC representatives will provide a brief informational presentation and engaging participants in a conversation to spark...
The HCBS Final Rule Animated Series made in partnership with Tri-Counties Regional Center and Public Pixels Media won 3 Anthem Webby Awards! The awards recognize the series for their impact on accessibility, education, and creative storytelling. They won two silver...
Text: On October 29, 2024, DDS’s Provider Directory launched. Its full capabilities will be released in phases. In the first phase, service providers and designated regional center representatives will be invited to create an account and collaborate to ensure...
TCRC PERFORMANCE CONTRACT PRESENTATION Tuesday, JUNE 4th, 2023 4:00 PM Each year TCRC and the Department of Developmental Services develop a contract that defines how TCRC will be evaluated on its performance. On Tuesday, June 4 at 4:00 PM TCRC’s FY 2024-2025...