Click here to view a report for the upcoming TCADD Board of Directors meeting prepared by TCRC’s Executive Director, Dr. Omar Noorzad. It includes SB 826, AB 1606, a DDS letter to regional centers on new provider rates, a DDS FAQ on provider rate increases, a DDS letter on funding to promote POS equity, TCRC’s proposal for that funding, the award letter for TCRC’s funding proposal, ARCA’s proposal for that funding, a DDS letter on HCBS provider funding, DDS letters with guidelines for employment incentive payments and paid internship program. Self-Determination Program documents include FAQs from DDS and Disability Rights California, a service comparison, Medicare/Medicaid letters, a letter from Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services, the Self-Determination enrollment process, a flyer, and the Advisory Committee calendar. New legislation documents include a list of pertinent 2016 bills from ARCA, AB 796, and SB 1226.