Click here to view a report for the upcoming TCADD Board of Directors meeting prepared by TCRC’s Executive Director, Dr. Omar Noorzad. It includes the 17-18 State budget, CDCAN reports on budget, AB 120 and trailer bills. A summary of AB 107 is included from ARCA along with an analysis of the May Revise. The DDS announcement that a contractor has been selected to conduct a regional center service provider rate study is included. Self-Determination resources include FAQs from DDS and Disability Rights California, a service comparison, a letter from Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services, the TCRC Self-Determination enrollment process, a flyer, and the Advisory Committee calendar. The 10th Annual California Gathering will take place October 4-5, preceding the event is a Regional Center Forum on Person Centered Thinking on Oct 3rd at the TCRC office in Oxnard.