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Autism Information

TCRC ABA Copayments, Coinsurance & Deductibles (TCRC) – English Copagos, coseguro y deducibles del ABA del TCRC Using Insurance Coverage for Health Services – FORM (TCRC) Accessing Your Private Insurance Coverage for Autism Services (TCRC) –...

Autism Organizations and Websites

The National Autism Center Spearheads the National Standards Project to identify scientific standards to evaluate educational and behavioral interventions for individuals with ASD. This site also has a link to receive evidence-based standards when published. CAPTAIN...

What is Autism?

Autism is a pervasive developmental disorder characterized by significant impairment in (1) social interaction, (2) communication, and (3) limited or repetitive activities and interests. Autism is now characterized as part of a spectrum disorder, encompassing a wide...

What Causes Autism?

There appears to be no single cause of autism. Many factors come into play and there is much research to be done. New research is providing important clues. It is widely accepted that genetic predisposition combined with environmental factors (exposure to pollutants,...