Request for Proposals
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Tri-Counties Regional Center (TCRC) opens a Request for Proposals (RFP) cycle following an extensive needs assessment process in which critical unmet needs have been identified. Individuals and agencies offering an identified service may submit proposals following the instructions provided with the RFP announcement. Proposals are reviewed and one or more in each service category selected to move to the next stage of development. Selected applicants are asked to submit a full program design using guidelines provided by TCRC. These program designs are reviewed by an interdisciplinary team for compliance with applicable regulations and use of best practices. When the program design has been approved, the provider is asked to complete and return TCRC vendorization forms including a cost statement and other documentation such as licenses. The final step is the signing of a payment agreement or contract. Once the process has been completed, the newly vendored provider is assigned a unique vendor identification number and is ready to receive referrals.
RFP Documents and Information
February 2025 RFP - OPEN
Supported Living Services (Service Code 896)
Social Recreation
Coordinated Family Supports (Service Code 076)
Behavioral Day Program (Service Code 532)
Infant Development Program (Service Code 805)
RFP Instructions
Attachments A, B, & C
DESCRIPTIONS OF PROGRAMS & Service Summary links
Supported Living Services (Service Code 896)
Supported Living Services (SLS) include personal supports and training that are tailored to meet the specific needs of the individual receiving services to allow him/her to choose and live in his/her own home with support available as often and for as long as it is needed. The intended result of SLS is an increase in an individual’s ability to establish and maintain relationships, make fundamental life decisions, assume membership in the community, and meet daily living needs as independently as possible. Supported Living Services are available to individuals who own or rent their own homes.
Applicants should expect to provide 24-hour services if needed and be willing to serve people who have high behavioral needs and/or significant physical challenges, including people who may be in a wheelchair and need additional assistance.
Social Recreation
Social and recreation programs will provide leisure-time activities designed to promote personal enjoyment, peer interaction, social growth, recreation, and the enhancement of daily living and self-advocacy skills to both children and adults with developmental disabilities. Social recreation programs may be conducted in center-based and/or natural environments.
Because this service can take many forms, we are looking for programs that are innovative and focus on increasing successful opportunities for individuals to be contributing and valued members of their community. It is critical that the service supports making healthy social connections. This can take the form of a formal training with a curriculum, individualized en vivo training in a person’s community, as well as training to support navigating social media.
Social recreation programs can be offered in group or 1:1 ratios but must be structured and aligned with an individual’s IPP objective.
The proposed services should address the needs of either children or adults. If a provider desires to support both of these groups, they must do so with separate proposals.
Due to the fact that this service has been unavailable to our system for over a decade, we are casting a wide net and are encouraging service providers to be innovative in terms of how they propose to address this need.
Behavioral Day Program (Service Code 532)
This is a creative day program opportunity for people who have moderate to severe maladaptive behaviors that exceed the scope of services provided by a typical day program. The typical candidate for service will be eligible for regional center services and display behavioral issues such as aggression, property destruction, running/wandering away, self-injurious behavior, as well as ingestion of inedible objects. Programs will focus on social skills, safety skills, and will benefit from a tailored and structured program based on individual needs. Community integration will be emphasized as appropriate. Safety focus areas include, but are not limited to, vehicle safety, both in being transported and in traversing traffic in the community as well as maintaining safe boundaries (both social and physical) when engaging fellow community members.
Individuals may be ambulatory or non-ambulatory. Development and implementation of behavioral plans may be required in consultation with qualified specialists such as BCBA, LCSW, or MFT.
Infant Development Program (Service Code 805)
An Infant Development Program is a multi-disciplinary program serving infants and toddlers under the age of three (3) years with a developmental delay in areas of cognitive, physical/motor, communication, social/emotional, and /or adaptive development. Services will include at a minimum the following: Early Interventionists, speech therapy, physical therapy and occupational therapy. (Please note that Infant Development Programs shall not include behavior services.)
Coordinated Family Support (Service Code 076)
Coordinated Family Supports (CFS) providers will coordinate and provide items identified below for adults who reside in the family home. CFS shall be tailored to the unique needs of the individual and their family and provided in a manner that respects their language and culture. It shall be primarily provided in a person’s home. CFS may include, but is not limited to:
- Identifying and providing supports necessary to successfully reside in the family home.
- Provide assistance and training for the person receiving services, and their family, in navigating comprehensive services and supports that are tailored to meet their unique needs.
This includes creating pathways to overcome barriers to accessing generic and other resources. - Providing additional information or resources on the individual’s diagnosis and identified supports.
- Coordinating consistency in training across providers specific to the needs of the individual and their family.
- Assisting with scheduling of service delivery including medical and other appointments.
- Identifying transportation options or services.
- Identifying backup providers/supports and providing those backup supports when the plan fails.
- Providing futures planning for the person receiving services, including those living with aging caregivers.
- Providing training with the person receiving services which maximizes their independence.
CFS shall not replace or duplicate any regional center service coordination, generic service or other regional center funded service that the person receiving services and their family are receiving. CFS may not be provided by an individual who resides in the same home as the person served. At minimum, the need shall be assessed annually, with progress being reported quarterly.
CFS may not be provided to a person who receives services through the Self-Determination program.
Information Conferences – participants may choose to attend the information conference. Q&A from the conference will be posted by Thursday, March 6, 2025:
2/27/2025 from 10:30-12:00 pm via Zoom
Phone In: +1 408 638 0968 Meeting ID: 851 5853 0798
Information Conference Q & A:
Proposals Due: No later than midnight on Sunday, 03/30/2025
Award Notification: approximately June 2025
August 2024 RFP - CLOSED
Adult Residential Facility Level 4a-4i (Service Code 915)
Social Recreation
Independent Living Skills (Service Code 520)
Sex Education and Healthy Relationships (Service Code 102)
Parent Support Behavior Intervention Training (Service Code 048)
RFP Instructions
Attachments A, B, & C
DESCRIPTIONS OF PROGRAMS & Service Summary links
Adult Residential Facility Level 4a-4i (Service Code 915)
An adult residential facility (ARF) is a Community Care licensed home which serves the needs of individuals with developmental disabilities. Residents range in age from eighteen (18) to fifty-nine (59) and may be non-ambulatory. A facility with all beds licensed for non-ambulatory individuals is preferred, but a minimum of two (2) non-ambulatory beds is required. Cognitive functioning of individuals referred may range from moderate to severe intellectual disability. Some individuals may be dually diagnosed with autism and/or mental health challenges; some may have aggressive/assaultive or self-injurious behaviors. Development and implementation of behavioral plans and consultation with a qualified behaviorist or mental health professional is required (see Title 17 for description of service codes 612 and 620 for behavioral consultant qualifications).
Social Recreation
Social and recreation programs will provide leisure-time activities designed to promote personal enjoyment, peer interaction, social growth, recreation, and the enhancement of daily living and self-advocacy skills to both children and adults with developmental disabilities. Social recreation programs may be conducted in center-based and/or natural environments.
Because this service can take many forms, we are looking for programs that are innovative and focus on increasing successful opportunities for individuals to be contributing and valued members of their community. It is critical that the service supports making healthy social connections. This can take the form of a formal training with a curriculum, individualized en vivo training in a person’s community, as well as training to support navigating social media.
Social recreation programs can be offered in group or 1:1 ratios but must be structured and aligned with an individual’s IPP objective.
The proposed services should address the needs of either children or adults. If a provider desires to support both of these groups, they must do so with separate proposals.
Due to the fact that this service has been unavailable to our system for over a decade, we are casting a wide net and are encouraging service providers to be innovative in terms of how they propose to address this need.
Independent Living Skills (Service Code 520)
Independent Living Services (ILS) provides community-based, structured, skill-based training programs designed to teach adults the skills and behaviors necessary to live in their own home; or to achieve greater independence while living in the home of a parent, family member, or other person.
ILS programs provide skills training for adults who generally have acquired basic self-help skills, or who, because of their physical disabilities, do not possess basic self-help skills, but can employ and supervise aides to assist them in meeting their personal needs.
TCRC may purchase ILS supports and services if:
- The individual resides independently or in the home of a parent, family member, or other person.
- The individual is not eligible for special education and related educational services.
- The individual resides in a licensed residential facility and as a part of their transition to an independent or supported living setting. Not to exceed three (3) months prior to transition.
ILS programs are delivered in natural settings and may be used to teach or maintain a wide variety of skills such as household management, budgeting, meal preparation, social/leisure skills, mobility training, use of community resources, accessing generic services, facilitating self-advocacy, parenting skills training (if necessary), and the use of direct supports. ILS services are authorized for up to 20 hours per month.
Tri-Counties Regional Center will not authorize funding for the purchase of any independent living support or service that is considered experimental. The expected result from the provision of independent living services must lead to the achievement of the measurable outcomes defined in the service plan. The provision of independent living supports and/or services must be both clinically and fiscally an effective use of public funds.
Sex Education and Healthy Relationships (Service Code 102)
Educate individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities about healthy and safe relationships on an individual and/or group basis. Applicant must be knowledgeable in providing introductory program that focuses on boundaries, public versus private behavior, how to demonstrate assertiveness appropriately, and how to develop a dating relationship (when age appropriate). The program will also focus on intranet/cyber safety, dating safety, coercion and sexual abuse, pregnancy and contraception, as well as sexually transmitted infections and safer sex (when age appropriate). The training will provide certification of completion. Applicants will be required to travel.
Parent Support Behavior Intervention Training (Service Code 048)
Parent Support Behavior Intervention provides a tailored short term, time-limited, behavioral approach in naturalistic settings to teach parents practical strategies to be implemented in their daily activities and routines. The focus is solely parent training with no direct intervention provided to the child/person. The primary goal is to empower parent/primary caregiver with the skills they can incorporate into their day to day interaction with their children. This program is geared towards those children/individuals with less intensive behavioral needs (i.e., no significant tantrums, self-injurious behaviors, elopement, etc.).
Information Conferences – participants may choose to attend the information conference. Q&A from the conference will be posted by Wednesday, September 18, 2024:
9/11/2024 from 10:30-12:00 pm via Zoom
Phone In: 1 (408) 638-0968, Meeting ID: 862 4724 3313
Information Conference Q & A:
Proposals Due: No later than midnight on Sunday, 10/06/2024
Award Notification: approximately December 2024
April 2024 RFP - CLOSED
Housing Services – Community Placement Plan (CPP)
RFP Instructions
Attachments A, B, & C
DESCRIPTIONS OF PROGRAMS & Service Summary links
Housing Services (Service Code 089)
Housing services will be developed to provide increased access to affordable housing opportunities for individuals supported by Tri-Counties Regional Center. Housing activities include but will not be limited to:
- Assessment of individual housing needs
- Assistance completing Housing Authority applications
- Assistance with seeking and securing housing
- Assistance evaluating potential housing
- Assistance completing rental unit applications
- Establishing and maintaining a data base of potential living options
- Monitoring of Housing Authority waitlists
- Monitoring of affordable housing opportunities
- Supporting individuals with maintaining tenancy once housing is secured
Information Conferences – participants may choose to attend the information conference. Q&A from the conference will be posted by Tuesday, May 14, 2024:
5/8/2024 from 10:30-12:00 pm via Zoom
Phone In: 1 (408) 638-0968, Meeting ID: 210 364 2592
Proposals Due: No later than midnight on Sunday, May 19, 2024
Award Notification: June 2024
February 2024 RFP - CLOSED
Adult Residential Facility Level 4a-4i (Service Code 915)
Social Recreation
Competency Training (Service Code 056 and 102)
Infant Development Program (Service Code 805)
Supportive Living Services (Service Code 896)
Residential Care Facility- Elderly level 4a-4i (Service Code 915)
RFP Instructions
Attachments A, B, & C
DESCRIPTIONS OF PROGRAMS & Service Summary links
Adult Residential Facility Level 4a-4i (Service Code 915)
An adult residential facility (ARF) is a Community Care licensed home which serves the needs of individuals with developmental disabilities. Residents range in age from eighteen (18) to fifty-nine (59) and may be non-ambulatory. A facility with all beds licensed for non-ambulatory individuals is preferred, but a minimum of two (2) non-ambulatory beds is required. Cognitive functioning of individuals referred may range from moderate to severe intellectual disability. Some individuals may be dually diagnosed with autism and/or mental health challenges; some may have aggressive/assaultive or self-injurious behaviors. Development and implementation of behavioral plans and consultation with a qualified behaviorist or mental health professional is required (see Title 17 for description of service codes 612 and 620 for behavioral consultant qualifications).
Social Recreation
Social and recreation programs will provide leisure-time activities designed to promote personal enjoyment, peer interaction, social growth, recreation, and the enhancement of daily living and self-advocacy skills to both children and adults with developmental disabilities. Social recreation programs may be conducted in center-based and/or natural environments.
Because this service can take many forms, we are looking for programs that are innovative and focus on increasing successful opportunities for individuals to be contributing and valued members of their community. It is critical that the service supports making healthy social connections. This can take the form of a formal training with a curriculum, individualized en vivo training in a person’s community, as well as training to support navigating social media.
Social recreation programs can be offered in group or 1:1 ratios but must be structured and aligned with an individual’s IPP objective.
The proposed services should address the needs of either children or adults. If a provider desires to support both of these groups, they must do so with separate proposals.
Due to the fact that this service has been unavailable to our system for over a decade, we are casting a wide net and are encouraging service providers to be innovative in terms of how they propose to address this need.
Competency Training (Service Code 056 and 102)
A competency trainer implements a program that “provides intensive, individualized competency training tailored to the demands of the case and the defendant’s particular competency deficits” (National Judicial College, 2012). Applicants must be knowledgeable about competency training tools such as the Slater Method and/or another state approved training method that supports the provision of a structured training program. The competency trainer will not provide certification of competency; rather their role is to provide instruction to the individual utilizing the specific modules of information. Training modules will be provided in a sequenced manner. The applicant must be familiar with competency-specific assessment tools such as Competency Assessment for Standing Trial-Mental Retardation (CAST-MR) and the Competency Assessment Instrument-Revised (CAI-R). The applicant must have applicable teaching/advocacy experience working with persons with Intellectual Disabilities and have an understanding of the services and supports needed to assist individuals in the community. Applicants will be required to travel to various sites such as correctional and residential facilities.
Infant Development Program (Service Code 805)
An Infant Development Program is a multi-disciplinary program serving infants and toddlers under the age of three (3) years with a developmental delay in areas of cognitive, physical/motor, communication, social/emotional, and /or adaptive development. Services will include at a minimum the following: Early Interventionists, speech therapy, physical therapy and occupational therapy. (Please note that Infant Development Programs shall not include behavior services.)
Supportive Living Services (Service Code 896)
Supported Living Services (SLS) include personal supports and training that are tailored to meet the specific needs of the individual receiving services to allow him/her to choose and live in his/her own home with support available as often and for as long as it is needed. The intended result of SLS is an increase in an individual’s ability to establish and maintain relationships, make fundamental life decisions, assume membership in the community, and meet daily living needs as independently as possible. Supported Living Services are available to individuals who own or rent their own homes.
Applicants should expect to provide 24-hour services if needed and be willing to serve people who have high behavioral needs and/or significant physical challenges, including people who may be in a wheelchair and need additional assistance.
Residential Care Facility- Elderly level 4a-4i (Service Code 915)
This RCFE will be a Community Care Licensed (CCL) home for four individuals that will provide care for individuals over fifty-nine (59) years of age in a home-like setting. This home must accommodate both ambulatory and non-ambulatory individuals with developmental disabilities. Possession of Dementia and Hospice waivers is mandated for Level 4.
Residents will need support in some or all of the following areas: medication management, health care, and dementia care and resulting behaviors. The home is intended to be a long-term living arrangement.
Potential providers must have prior demonstrable experience:
- Supporting individuals with developmental disabilities preferred.
- Owning or operating a RCFE, Adult Residential Facility (ARF) or Specialized Residential Facility (SRF).
- Experience with health and mobility issues related to aging is strongly preferred.
Information Conferences – participants may choose to attend the information conference. Q&A from the conference will be posted by Thursday, March 21, 2024:
3/14/2024 from 10:30-12:00 pm via Zoom
Phone In: 1 (408) 638-0968, Meeting ID: 832 1469 2590
Proposals Due: No later than midnight on Sunday, 4/7/2024
Award Notification: approximately July 2024
July 2023 RFP - CLOSED
Coordinated Family Support Service (CFS) (Service Code 076)
Adult Residential Facility Level 4a-4i (Service Code 915)
Social Recreation
RFP Instructions
Attachments A, B, & C
DESCRIPTIONS OF PROGRAMS & Service Summary links
Coordinated Family Support Service (Service Code 076)
Coordinated Family Supports (CFS) providers will coordinate and provide items identified below for adults who reside in the family home. CFS shall be tailored to the unique needs of the individual and their family and provided in a manner that respects their language and culture. It shall be primarily provided in a person’s home. CFS may include, but is not limited to:
- Identifying and providing supports necessary to successfully reside in the family home.
- Provide assistance and training for the person receiving services, and their family, in navigating comprehensive services and supports that are tailored to meet their unique needs.
This includes creating pathways to overcome barriers to accessing generic and other resources. - Providing additional information or resources on the individual’s diagnosis and identified supports.
- Coordinating consistency in training across providers specific to the needs of the individual and their family.
- Assisting with scheduling of service delivery including medical and other appointments.
- Identifying transportation options or services.
- Identifying backup providers/supports and providing those backup supports when the plan fails.
- Providing futures planning for the person receiving services, including those living with aging caregivers.
- Providing training with the person receiving services which maximizes their independence.
CFS shall not replace or duplicate any regional center service coordination, generic service or other regional center funded service that the person receiving services and their family are receiving. CFS may not be provided by an individual who resides in the same home as the person served. At minimum, the need shall be assessed annually, with progress being reported quarterly.
CFS may not be provided to a person who receives services through the Self-Determination program.
Social Recreation
Social and recreation programs will provide leisure-time activities designed to promote personal enjoyment, peer interaction, social growth, recreation, and the enhancement of daily living and self-advocacy skills to both children and adults with developmental disabilities. Social recreation programs may be conducted in center-based and/or natural environments.
Because this service can take many forms, we are looking for programs that are innovative and focus on increasing successful opportunities for individuals to be contributing and valued members of their community. It is critical that the service supports making healthy social connections. This can take the form of a formal training with a curriculum, individualized en vivo training in a person’s community, as well as training to support navigating social media.
Social recreation programs can be offered in group or 1:1 ratios but must be structured and aligned with an individual’s IPP objective.
The proposed services should address the needs of either children or adults. If a provider desires to support both of these groups, they must do so with separate proposals.
Due to the fact that this service has been unavailable to our system for over a decade, we are casting a wide net and are encouraging service providers to be innovative in terms of how they propose to address this need.
Adult Residential Facility (ARF) Level 4A-4I (Service Code 915)
An adult residential facility (ARF) is a Community Care licensed home which serves the needs of individuals with developmental disabilities. Residents range in age from eighteen (18) to fifty-nine (59) and may be non-ambulatory. A facility with all beds licensed for non-ambulatory individuals is preferred, but a minimum of two (2) non-ambulatory beds is required. Cognitive functioning of individuals referred may range from moderate to severe intellectual disability. Some individuals may be dually diagnosed with autism and/or mental health challenges; some may have aggressive/assaultive or self-injurious behaviors. Development and implementation of behavioral plans and consultation with a qualified behaviorist or mental health professional is required (see Title 17 for description of service codes 612 and 620 for behavioral consultant qualifications).
Prospective providers must:
- Complete the CCL licensing and TCRC vendorization process within six (6) months from the time the RFP is awarded. The facility must be licensed by Community Care Licensing prior to vendorization by TCRC. (Note: With written documentation, an extension will be granted that the cause of the delay is out of the control of the applicant).
- Service level 4 administrators shall: Have one (1) year prior experience supporting adults with developmental disabilities such as a diagnosis of Autism and moderate to severe Intellectual Disabilities.
- Hire and retain qualified direct care staff who are trained in non-violent crisis prevention / intervention and in accordance with Title 17, if the facility accepts anyone with moderate to significant behavioral challenges.
- Have a property identified and secured within sixty (60) days of the RFP award.
Information Conferences – participants may choose to attend the information conference. Q&A from the conference will be posted by Thursday, August 03, 2023:
7/26/2023 from 10:30-12:00 pm via Zoom
Phone In: 1 (408) 638-0968, Meeting ID: 832 1469 2590
Proposals Due: No later than midnight on Sunday, 8/20/2023
Award Notification: approximately December 2023
April 2023 RFP - CLOSED
Coordinated Family Support Service (CFS) (Service Code 076)
Community Integration Training Program with Nursing and Behavioral Support (Service Code 055)
Community Integration Training Program (Service Code 055)
Supported Living Services (Service Code 894/896)
Social Recreation
RFP Instructions
Attachments A, B, & C
DESCRIPTIONS OF PROGRAMS & Service Summary links
Coordinated Family Support Service (Service Code 076)
Coordinated Family Supports (CFS) providers will coordinate and provide items identified below for adults who reside in the family home. CFS shall be tailored to the unique needs of the individual and their family and provided in a manner that respects their language and culture. It shall be primarily provided in a person’s home. CFS may include, but is not limited to:
- Identifying and providing supports necessary to successfully reside in the family home.
- Provide assistance and training for the person receiving services, and their family, in navigating comprehensive services and supports that are tailored to meet their unique needs.
This includes creating pathways to overcome barriers to accessing generic and other resources. - Providing additional information or resources on the individual’s diagnosis and identified supports.
- Coordinating consistency in training across providers specific to the needs of the individual and their family.
- Assisting with scheduling of service delivery including medical and other appointments.
- Identifying transportation options or services.
- Identifying backup providers/supports and providing those backup supports when the plan fails.
- Providing futures planning for the person receiving services, including those living with aging caregivers.
- Providing training with the person receiving services which maximizes their independence.
CFS shall not replace or duplicate any regional center service coordination, generic service or other regional center funded service that the person receiving services and their family are receiving. CFS may not be provided by an individual who resides in the same home as the person served. At minimum, the need shall be assessed annually, with progress being reported quarterly.
CFS may not be provided to a person who receives services through the Self-Determination program.
Community Integration Program with nursing and behavioral supports (Service Code 055)
This day program will provide both nursing and behavioral supports in order to maximize opportunities for individuals to actively participate in their community. The program will:
- a) Provide meaningful, enjoyable activities while specifically meeting the needs of ambulatory individuals, individuals who utilize wheelchairs, and individuals aged eighteen (18) or older who have chronic medical needs. Personalized community activities are required. This service must be designed to meet the needs of people who may have severe physical challenges and communication deficits, with or without cognitive disabilities, and individuals who require specialized health care services. Services and supports must include: monitoring of chronic medical conditions, assistance with various types of adaptive devices or medical equipment including oxygen and assistance with eating, transferring or toileting.
- b) Provide evidence based behavioral support to people who have behaviors which exceed the scope of services provided by a typical day program. Challenges may include low tolerance to frustration, aggression, self-injurious behavior, and AWOL. Development and implementation of behavioral plans are required in consultation with a qualified specialist (see Title 17 for description of service codes 612 and 620 for qualifications).
- c) Potential providers should be aware that service code 055 will be phased out beginning January 2025. Further information on how programs will be vendored will be forthcoming.
Community Integration Program (Service Code 055)
This day program will provide behavioral supports in order to maximize opportunities for individuals to actively participate in their community. The program will:
- a) Provide meaningful, enjoyable activities while specifically meeting the needs of ambulatory individuals, individuals who utilize wheelchairs, and individuals aged eighteen (18) or older. Personalized community activities are required.
- b) Provide evidence based behavioral support to people who have behaviors which exceed the scope of services provided by a typical day program. Challenges may include low tolerance to frustration, aggression, self-injurious behavior, and AWOL. Development and implementation of behavioral plans are required in consultation with a qualified specialist (see Title 17 for description of service codes 612 and 620 for qualifications).
- c) Potential providers should be aware that service code 055 will be phased out beginning January 2025. Further information on how programs will be vendored will be forthcoming.
Supported Living Services (Service Code 894/896)
Supported Living Services (SLS) include personal supports and training that are tailored to meet the specific needs of the individual receiving services to allow him/her to choose and live in his/her own home with support available as often and for as long as it is needed. The intended result of SLS is an increase in an individual’s ability to establish and maintain relationships, make fundamental life decisions, assume membership in the community, and meet daily living needs as independently as possible. Supported Living Services are available to individuals who own or rent their own homes.
Applicants should expect to provide 24-hour services if needed and be willing to serve people who have high behavioral needs and/or significant physical challenges, including people who may be in a wheelchair and need additional assistance.
Social Recreation
Social and recreation programs will provide leisure-time activities designed to promote personal enjoyment, peer interaction, social growth, recreation, and the enhancement of daily living and self-advocacy skills to both children and adults with developmental disabilities. Social recreation programs may be conducted in center-based and/or natural environments.
Because this service can take many forms, we are looking for programs that are innovative and focus on increasing successful opportunities for individuals to be contributing and valued members of their community. It is critical that the service supports making healthy social connections. This can take the form of a formal training with a curriculum, individualized en vivo training in a person’s community, as well as training to support navigating social media.
Social recreation programs can be offered in group or 1:1 ratios but must be structured and aligned with an individual’s IPP objective.
The proposed services should address the needs of either children or adults. If a provider desires to support both of these groups, they must do so with separate proposals.
Due to the fact that this service has been unavailable to our system for over a decade, we are casting a wide net and are encouraging service providers to be innovative in terms of how they propose to address this need.
Information Conferences – participants may choose to attend the information conference. Q&A from the conference will be posted by Wednesday, May 17, 2023:
5/8/2023 from 10:30-12:00 pm via Zoom
Phone in: 1-408-638-0968, Meeting ID: 805 884 7220
Proposals Due: No later than midnight on Sunday, 6/4/2023
Award Notification: approximately September 2023
November 2022 CPP RFP (Children's Dual-Purpose Home) - CLOSED
Specialized Residential Facility – Children’s Dual-Purpose Home (Service Code 113)
RFP Instructions
Attachments A, B, & C
DESCRIPTIONS OF PROGRAMS & Service Summary links
Specialized Residential Facility – Children’s Dual-Purpose Home (Service Code 113)
This home will be dual purpose
Four (4) beds will be used for permanent placements, two (2) beds will be used for step-down placements for children that are transitioning from a crisis home.
A children’s SRF is a Community Care Licensed home which serves the needs of children with developmental disabilities. This facility will serve children ages seven (7) to seventeen (17). Children will need support in some or all of the following areas: anger management, developing coping skills to minimize self-injurious behavior, forming and maintaining healthy attachments (including safe/appropriate sexual behavior and boundaries), compliance with probation/diversion plans, substance abuse prevention, medication management, health care, and access to mental health services.
Potential providers must have prior demonstrable experience:
- * Supporting children and people with developmental disabilities, mental health issues, and forensic backgrounds.
- * Owning or operating a Level 4 Children’s Residential Facility (CRF), Adult Residential Facility (ARF), or an SRF.
- * Working with the court system.
- * Working with the mental health system.
- * Provider must be able to work collaboratively with others in a multi-agency, interdisciplinary configuration (e.g. other Regional Centers, Mental Health, and Probation) for the successful support of the individual.
Prospective Providers Must:
- * Complete the Community Care Licensing (CCL) licensing and TCRC vendorization process within six (6) months from the time the RFP is awarded. The facility must be licensed by Community Care Licensing prior to vendorization by TCRC. (Note: An extension will be granted with written documentation that the cause of the delay is out of the control of the applicant.)
- * Have prior experience supporting children with developmental disabilities such as a diagnosis of Autism and moderate to severe Intellectual Disabilities.
- * Hire and retain qualified direct care staff who are trained in non-violent crisis prevention / intervention and in accordance with Title 17.
Information Conference – participants may choose to attend the information conference.
Information Conference Q&A.- 12/8/2022 from 1:00-2:30 pm via Zoom
Phone in: 1-408-638-0968, Meeting ID: 805 884 2772
One Tap Mobile: +14086380968,,8058847220# - Proposals Due: No later than midnight on Sunday, 12/18/2022
Award Notification: early March 2023
November 2022 RFP (Social Rec Grants) - CLOSED
Community Integration (Social Recreation) Grants
RFP Instructions
DESCRIPTIONS OF PROGRAMS & Service Summary links
Community Integration (Social Recreation) Grants
We are pleased to announce a grant opportunity for organizations to enhance existing community programs for children and adolescents with intellectual & developmental disabilities, ages three (3) to twenty-one (21). The Social Recreation (Social Rec) grant opportunity is in partnership with the California Department of Developmental Services (DDS).
The grants will fund projects that will enhance and develop integrated and inclusive social and recreational programs for families, children, and adolescents with Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities in diverse communities. Regional centers (RCs) will partner with community entities that provide social and recreational programs to implement approved grant projects.
Grant applicants may include, but are not limited to:
Community Based Organizations
Religious organizations (e.g., churches, synagogues)
Private recreational businesses or studios (e.g., karate schools, ballet studios, art studios)
YMCAs, Boys & Girls Clubs, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts
County and city parks and recreation entities
Public and private camps
After-school programs
Proposals Due: No later than midnight on Sunday, 1/8/2023
Award Notification: approximately 2/28/2023
October 2022 RFP - CLOSED
Enhanced Behavioral Supported Living Services (Service Code 894/896)
RFP Instructions
Attachments A, B, & C
DESCRIPTIONS OF PROGRAMS & Service Summary links
Enhanced Behavioral Supported Living Services (Service Code 894/896)
Supported Living Services (SLS) include personal supports and training that are tailored to meet the specific needs of the individual receiving services to allow him/her to choose and live in his/her own home with support available as often and for as long as it is needed. The intended result of SLS is an increase in an individual’s ability to establish and maintain relationships, make fundamental life decisions, assume membership in the community, and meet daily living needs as independently as possible. Supported Living Services are available to individuals who own or rent their own homes.
Applicants should expect to provide 24-hour services if needed and be willing to serve people who have high behavioral needs and/or significant physical challenges, including people who may be in a wheelchair and need additional assistance.
In addition to the above, this model is being specifically designed to support individuals with challenging needs including but not limited to aggression towards others, self-injurious behaviors (SIB) and co-occurring mental health diagnosis.
Due to the need to staff this service with a higher level of training, the Health and Safety Waiver process will be utilized to establish a staff wage commiserate with the service need of the individual.
Information Conferences – participants may choose to attend the information conference. Q&A from the conference will be posted by Tuesday, October 25, 2022:
10/18/2022 from 10:30-12:00 pm via Zoom
Phone in: 1-408-638-0968, Meeting ID: 805 884 7220
One Tap Mobile: +14086380968,,8058847220#
Proposals Due: No later than midnight on Sunday, 11/13/2022
Award Notification: approximately 12/31/2022
August 2022 RFP - CLOSED
Adult Residential Facility (ARF) Level 4A-4I (Service Code 915)
Community Integration Training Program with Nursing and Behavioral Support (Service Code 055)
Supported Living Services (Service Code 894/896)
Social Recreation
RFP Instructions
Attachments A, B, & C
DESCRIPTIONS OF PROGRAMS & Service Summary links
Adult Residential Facility (ARF) Level 4A-4I (Service Code 915)
An adult residential facility (ARF) is a Community Care licensed home which serves the needs of individuals with developmental disabilities. Residents range in age from eighteen (18) to fifty-nine (59) and may be non-ambulatory. A facility with all beds licensed for non-ambulatory individuals is preferred, but a minimum of two (2) non-ambulatory beds is required. Cognitive functioning of individuals referred may range from moderate to severe intellectual disability. Some individuals may be dually diagnosed with autism and/or mental health challenges; some may have aggressive/assaultive or self-injurious behaviors. Development and implementation of behavioral plans and consultation with a qualified behaviorist or mental health professional is required (see Title 17 for description of service codes 612 and 620 for behavioral consultant qualifications).
Prospective providers must:
Complete the CCL licensing and TCRC vendorization process within six (6) months from the time the RFP is awarded. The facility must be licensed by Community Care Licensing prior to vendorization by TCRC. (Note: With written documentation, an extension will be granted that the cause of the delay is out of the control of the applicant).
Service level 4 administrators shall: Have one (1) year prior experience supporting adults with developmental disabilities such as a diagnosis of Autism and moderate to severe Intellectual Disabilities.
Hire and retain qualified direct care staff who are trained in non-violent crisis prevention / intervention and in accordance with Title 17, if the facility accepts anyone with moderate to significant behavioral challenges.
Have a property identified and secured within sixty (60) days of the RFP award.
Community Integration Program with nursing and behavioral supports (Service Code 055)
This day program will provide both nursing and behavioral supports in order to maximize opportunities for individuals to actively participate in their community. The program will:
a) Provide meaningful, enjoyable activities while specifically meeting the needs of ambulatory and non-ambulatory individuals aged eighteen (18) or older who have chronic medical needs. Personalized community activities are required. This service must be designed to meet the needs of people who may have severe physical challenges and communication deficits, with or without cognitive disabilities, and individuals who require specialized health care services. Services and supports must include: monitoring of chronic medical conditions, assistance with various types of adaptive devices or medical equipment including oxygen and assistance with eating, transferring or toileting.
b) Provide evidence based behavioral support to people who have behaviors which exceed the scope of services provided by a typical day program. Challenges may include low tolerance to frustration, aggression, self-injurious behavior, and AWOL. Development and implementation of behavioral plans are required in consultation with a qualified specialist (see Title 17 for description of service codes 612 and 620 for qualifications).
Supported Living Services (Service Code 894/896)
Supported Living Services (SLS) include personal supports and training that are tailored to meet the specific needs of the individual receiving services to allow him/her to choose and live in his/her own home with support available as often and for as long as it is needed. The intended result of SLS is an increase in an individual’s ability to establish and maintain relationships, make fundamental life decisions, assume membership in the community, and meet daily living needs as independently as possible. Supported Living Services are available to individuals who own or rent their own homes.
Applicants should expect to provide 24-hour services if needed and be willing to serve people who have high behavioral needs and/or significant physical challenges, including people who may be in a wheelchair and need additional assistance.
Social Recreation
Social and recreation programs will provide leisure-time activities designed to promote personal enjoyment, peer interaction, social growth, recreation, and the enhancement of daily living and self-advocacy skills to both children and adults with developmental disabilities. Social recreation programs may be conducted in center-based and/or natural environments.
Because this service can take many forms, we are looking for programs that are innovative and focus on increasing successful opportunities for individuals to be contributing and valued members of their community. It is critical that the service supports making healthy social connections. This can take the form of a formal training with a curriculum, individualized en vivo training in a person’s community, as well as training to support navigating social media.
Social recreation programs can be offered in group or 1:1 ratios but must be structured and aligned with an individual’s IPP objective.
The proposed services should address the needs of either children or adults. If a provider desires to support both of these groups, they must do so with separate proposals.
Due to the fact that this service has been unavailable to our system for over a decade, we are casting a wide net and are encouraging service providers to be innovative in terms of how they propose to address this need.
Information Conference: 8/23/2022 from 10:30 am -12:00 pm via Zoom
Phone in: 1-408-638-0968, Meeting ID: 838 1981 5395, Pass Code: 296139
One Tap Mobile: +14086380968,,83819815395#
Proposals Due: No later than midnight on Sunday, 9/18/22
Award Notification: approximately 11/14/2022
February 2022 RFP - CLOSED
Provider for Crisis Stabilization (Service Code 999 – Startup funding for Community Placement Plan (CPP)/Community Resource Development Plan (CRDP)
RFP Instructions
Attachments A, B, & C
DESCRIPTIONS OF PROGRAMS & Service Summary links
Provider(s) for Crisis Stabilization (Service Code 999 – Startup funding for Community Placement Plan (CPP)/Community Resource Development Plan (CRDP)
Tri-Counties Regional Center (TCRC) is seeking service providers with interest and experience in supporting individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) with co-occurring behavioral health needs to operate a START team.
The Center for START Services, developed in 2009, is a national initiative based at the University of New Hampshire Institute on Disability/UCED that provides educational and capacity-building services, promotes, and evaluates evidence-informed practices and approaches, and facilitates START model program implementation across the United States with the aim of improving the lives of individuals with I/DD and behavioral health needs.
START (an acronym for Systemic, Therapeutic, Assessment, Resources, and Treatment) is a tertiary care research-based model of services and supports for individuals ages six and older diagnosed with I/DD and mental and behavioral health needs. A START program’s goal is to improve diagnosis and treatment, support effective services, create service linkages, promote health and wellness for both the individual with I/DD and the caregiver, and decrease the need for emergency services.
Learn more about START services on the CSS website:
The primary intervention in the model consists of strengthening the service system’s ability to successfully engage individuals with I/DD by focusing on quality of life, improving access to services, identifying gaps in the system, and improving competencies for all stakeholders. This model includes planning activities that focus on the individual receiving support from the START team, including ongoing assessment of biopsychosocial factors contributing to challenges, a determination and assessment of strengths of the individual and team, systemic engagement and consultation, cross systems crisis prevention and intervention planning, comprehensive service evaluations, clinical, medical and other interdisciplinary consultation and collaboration and all other planned clinical team activities.
This model will include a clearly outlined Cross Systems Crisis Prevention and Intervention Plan, which will provide a road map to providing emergency response and working collaboratively across the system to address emergencies as they arise. This will include a 24-hour crisis response, emergency therapeutic supports as well as assisting individuals and teams with gaining access to other emergency safety net services when clinically necessary. In addition to emergency assessment, intervention and advocacy, the START team will also provide direction and support in the achievement of stabilization and a return to prior levels of functioning in individuals’ home environments.
Once contracted, the provider will receive support from The Center for START Services (CSS) to implement the START model and develop a START team. The CSS is contracted and funded separately to provide such support. The support shall include training, mentoring, technical assistance, consultation on expanding community linkages, access to the START database and Clinical Education Teams, etc.
Information Conference: 3/17/2022 from 10:30 am -12:00 pm via Zoom
Phone in: 1-408-638-0968, Meeting ID: 880 5112 4225
One Tap Mobile: +13126266799,,88051124225# US (Chicago)
+16468769923,,88051124225# US (New York)
Proposals Due: No later than midnight on Sunday, 4/10/22
Award Notification: approximately 5/16/2022
November 2021 RFP - CLOSED
Dear Prospective RFP Applicants,
Yesterday, Tuesday, November 16th, 2021, we experienced a technical issue that may have prevented you from attending our second RFP Information Conference via Zoom. We are therefore extending our deadline to submit written questions regarding the RFP until the close of business on Thursday, November 18th.
Please submit your questions to
The Q&A from questions submitted via email as well as those addressed in the two Zoom Information Conferences will be posted to our website by the close of business on Monday, November 22nd.
We appreciate your partnership and apologize for any inconvenience.
Thank you,
TCRC Resource Development Team
Adult Severe Behaviors Special Residential Facility (Service Code 113)
Community Integration Training Program with nursing and behavioral supports (Service Code 055)
Independent Living Services (Service Code 520)
Social Recreation
RFP Instructions
Attachments A, B, & C
DESCRIPTIONS OF PROGRAMS & Service Summary links
Adult Severe Behaviors Special Residential Facility (Service Code 113)
An SRF is a Community Care Licensed home which serves the needs of individuals with developmental disabilities. This facility will serve adult males or females aged eighteen (18) to fifty-nine (59) who are diagnosed with developmental disabilities and who may be ambulatory or non-ambulatory. Challenges may include anger, aggression, self-injurious behavior, AWOL and difficulty forming and maintaining healthy attachments. Noise mitigation may need to be addressed. The home will be a long-term living arrangement.
Potential providers must have prior experience:
- Owning or operating a Level 4 Adult Residential Facility (ARF)
- Working with individuals with severe behavioral deficits
Provider must be able to work collaboratively with others in a multi-agency, interdisciplinary configuration (e.g. other Regional Centers, Mental Health, and Probation) for the successful support of the individual.
Community Integration Program with nursing and behavioral supports (Service Code 055)
This day program will provide both nursing and behavioral supports in order to maximize opportunities for individuals to actively participate in their community. The program will:
- a) Provide meaningful, enjoyable activities while specifically meeting the needs of ambulatory and non-ambulatory individuals aged eighteen (18) or older who have chronic medical needs. Personalized community activities are required. This service must be designed to meet the needs of people who may have severe physical challenges and communication deficits, with or without cognitive disabilities, and individuals who require specialized health care services. Services and supports must include: monitoring of chronic medical conditions, assistance with various types of adaptive devices or medical equipment including oxygen and assistance with eating, transferring or toileting.
- b) Provide evidence based behavioral support to people who have behaviors which exceed the scope of services provided by a typical day program. Challenges may include low tolerance to frustration, aggression, self-injurious behavior, and AWOL. Development and implementation of behavioral plans are required in consultation with a qualified specialist (see Title 17 for description of service codes 612 and 620 for qualifications).
Independent Living Services (Service Code 520)
Independent Living Services (ILS) provides community-based, structured, skill-based training programs designed to teach adults the skills and behaviors necessary to live in their own home; or to achieve greater independence while living in the home of a parent, family member, or other person.
ILS programs provide skills training for adults who generally have acquired basic self-help skills, or who, because of their physical disabilities, do not possess basic self-help skills, but can employ and supervise aides to assist them in meeting their personal needs.
TCRC may purchase ILS supports and services if:
- The individual resides independently or in the home of a parent, family member, or other person.
- The individual is not eligible for special education and related educational services.
- The individual resides in a licensed residential facility and as a part of their transition to an independent or supported living setting. Not to exceed three (3) months prior to transition.
ILS programs are delivered in natural settings and may be used to teach or maintain a wide variety of skills such as household management, budgeting, meal preparation, social/leisure skills, mobility training, use of community resources, accessing generic services, facilitating self-advocacy, parenting skills training (if necessary), and the use of direct supports. ILS services are authorized for up to 20 hours per month.
Tri-Counties Regional Center will not authorize funding for the purchase of any independent living support or service that is considered experimental. The expected result from the provision of independent living services must lead to the achievement of the measurable outcomes defined in the service plan. The provision of independent living supports and/or services must be both clinically and fiscally an effective use of public funds.
Social Recreation
Social and recreation programs will provide leisure-time activities designed to promote personal enjoyment, peer interaction, social growth, recreation, and the enhancement of daily living and self-advocacy skills to both children and adults with developmental disabilities. Social recreation programs may be conducted in center-based and/or natural environments.
Because this service can take many forms, we are looking for programs that are innovative and focus on increasing successful opportunities for individuals to be contributing and valued members of their community. It is critical that the service supports making healthy social connections. This can take the form of a formal training with a curriculum, individualized en vivo training in a person’s community, as well as training to support navigating social media.
Social recreation programs can be offered in group or 1:1 ratios but must be structured and aligned with an individual’s IPP objective.
The proposed services should address the needs of either children or adults. If a provider desires to support both of these groups, they must do so with separate proposals.
Due to the fact that this service has been unavailable to our system for over a decade, we are casting a wide net and are encouraging service providers to be innovative in terms of how they propose to address this need.
Information Conferences – participants may choose to attend both the information will be the same and Q&A from both will be posted by Friday, November 19, 2021:
11/9/2021 from 10:30-12:00 pm via Zoom
Phone in: 1-408-638-0968, Meeting ID: 828 8378 2130
One Tap Mobile: 14086380968,, 82883782130#
11/16/2021 from 10:30-12:00 pm via Zoom
Phone in: 1-408-638-0968, Meeting ID: 828 8378 2130
One Tap Mobile: 14086380968,, 82883782130#
Proposals Due: No later than midnight on Sunday, 12/5/21
Award Notification: approximately 1/28/2022
Sept 2021 RFP - CLOSED
Model for Crisis Stabilization (Service Code 999 – Startup funding for Community Placement Plan (CPP)/Community Resource Development Plan (CRDP)
DESCRIPTIONS OF PROGRAM & Service Summary link
Tri-Counties Regional Center (TCRC) has identified a critical need for an evidenced based model of crisis intervention and stabilization. TCRC is looking for a provider who ideally participates in some type of nationwide network of experts in this specialized area. The provider will be able to fully support current evidence based practices designed to address the needs of people with I/DD experiencing a crisis. TCRC is looking for a model that includes trauma informed care, is research based and includes effective data collection and measurement of outcomes. Provider will offer education in such a model, technical assistance, and mentoring to identified programs where individuals with complex needs struggle to maintain community tenure. Provider will create a strong foundation for crisis support for individuals across the lifespan. Provider’s model will provide support to individuals living in the community including those persons living with their families as well as those supported by service providers. In order to effectively educate, train and mentor support in our community, this provider must be well versed in existing evidence based practices, trauma informed care, creating community linkages to other necessary support, and providing direct in home support to families or other providers when such expertise is required to assist an individual with complex needs to be successful in day to day needs. This model will require expertise in co-occurring psychiatric disorders, co-occurring substance use disorders, expertise with sophisticated behavioral interventions as well as expertise in emotion regulation, co-occurring criminogenic needs, skills acquisition and community outreach and education. As such a model is complex and clearly broad in scope requiring multiple areas of expertise in evidence based practices, TCRC is looking for a vetted model with national recognition and national networking capability.
Information Conference: 9/14/2021 from 2:00 -2:30 pm via Zoom
Phone in: 1-408-638-0968, Meeting ID: 825 0770 6605
One Tap Mobile: 14086380968,, 82507706605#
Proposals Due: No later than midnight on Sunday, 9/19/2021
Award Notification: approximately 10/4/2021
June 2021 RFP - CLOSED
Infant Development Program (Service Code 805)
Adult Severe Behaviors Special Residential Facility (Service Code 113)
Residential Care Facility for the Elderly (RCFE) (Service Code 915)
Children’s Out-of-Home Respite (Service Code 868)
Community Integration Training Program with nursing and behavioral supports (Service Code 055)
Independent Living Services (Service Code 520)
DESCRIPTIONS OF PROGRAMS & Service Summary links
Infant Development Program (Service Code 805)
An Infant Development Program is a multi-disciplinary program serving infants and toddlers under the age of three (3) years with a developmental delay in areas of cognitive, physical/motor, communication, social/emotional, and /or adaptive development. Services will include at a minimum the following: Early Interventionists, speech therapy, physical therapy and occupational therapy. (Please note that Infant Development Programs shall not include behavior services.)
Adult Severe Behaviors Special Residential Facility (Service Code 113)
An SRF is a Community Care Licensed home which serves the needs of individuals with developmental disabilities. This facility will serve adult males or females aged eighteen (18) to fifty-nine (59) who are diagnosed with developmental disabilities and who may be ambulatory or non-ambulatory. Challenges may include anger, aggression, self-injurious behavior, AWOL and difficulty forming and maintaining healthy attachments. Noise mitigation may need to be addressed. The home will be a long-term living arrangement.
Potential providers must have prior experience:
- Owning or operating a Level 4 Adult Residential Facility (ARF)
- Working with individuals with severe behavioral deficits
Provider must be able to work collaboratively with others in a multi-agency, interdisciplinary configuration (e.g. other Regional Centers, Mental Health, and Probation) for the successful support of the individual.
Residential Care Facility for the Elderly (RCFE) (Service Code 915)
This RCFE will be a Community Care Licensed (CCL) home for four individuals that will provide care for individuals over fifty-nine (59) years of age in a home-like setting. This home must accommodate both ambulatory and non-ambulatory individuals with developmental disabilities. Possession of Dementia and Hospice waivers is mandated for Level 4.
Residents will need support in some or all of the following areas: medication management, health care, and dementia care and resulting behaviors. The home is intended to be a long-term living arrangement.
Potential providers must have prior demonstrable experience:
- Supporting individuals with developmental disabilities preferred.
- Owning or operating a RCFE, Adult Residential Facility (ARF) or Specialized Residential Facility (SRF).
Experience with health and mobility issues related to aging is strongly preferred.
Children’s Out-of-Home Respite (Service Code 868)
Out-of-home respite to be provided at a Small Family Home (SFH) or Foster Family Agency Home. An SFH is a Community Care Licensed home which serves the needs of children with developmental disabilities. Care is primarily provided by the family that resides in the home. Additional staff may be hired to assist in the care of the children and may include family members. These facilities will serve children ages seven (7) to eleven (11) or twelve (12) to seventeen (17). Children will need support in some or all of the following areas: management of inappropriate social behaviors, developing coping skills to minimize self-injurious behavior, forming and maintaining healthy attachments (potentially including sexual behavior and boundaries), compliance with probation/diversion plans, substance abuse prevention, medication management, dressing, hygiene and grooming and health care.
Potential providers must have prior experience:
- Supporting children and/or adults with developmental disabilities
- Owning or operating a Small Family Home (SFH), Children’s Residential Facility (CRF), Adult Residential Facility (ARF), Residential Care home for the Elderly (RCFE), or Specialized Residential Facility (SRF).
Community Integration Program with nursing and behavioral supports (Service Code 055)
This day program will provide both nursing and behavioral supports in order to maximize opportunities for individuals to actively participate in their community. The program will:
- Provide meaningful, enjoyable activities while specifically meeting the needs of ambulatory and non-ambulatory individuals aged eighteen (18) or older who have chronic medical needs. Personalized community activities are required. This service must be designed to meet the needs of people who may have severe physical challenges and communication deficits, with or without cognitive disabilities, and individuals who require specialized health care services. Services and supports must include: monitoring of chronic medical conditions, assistance with various types of adaptive devices or medical equipment including oxygen and assistance with eating, transferring or toileting.
- Provide evidence based behavioral support to people who have behaviors which exceed the scope of services provided by a typical day program. Challenges may include low tolerance to frustration, aggression, self-injurious behavior, and AWOL. Development and implementation of behavioral plans are required in consultation with a qualified specialist (see Title 17 for description of service codes 612 and 620 for qualifications).
Independent Living Services (Service Code 520)
Independent Living Services (ILS) provides community-based, structured, skill-based training programs designed to teach adults the skills and behaviors necessary to live in their own home; or to achieve greater independence while living in the home of a parent, family member, or other person.
ILS programs provide skills training for adults who generally have acquired basic self-help skills, or who, because of their physical disabilities, do not possess basic self-help skills, but can employ and supervise aides to assist them in meeting their personal needs.
TCRC may purchase ILS supports and services if:
- The individual resides independently or in the home of a parent, family member, or other person.
- The individual is not eligible for special education and related educational services.
- The individual resides in a licensed residential facility and as a part of their transition to an independent or supported living setting. Not to exceed three (3) months prior to transition.
ILS programs are delivered in natural settings and may be used to teach or maintain a wide variety of skills such as household management, budgeting, meal preparation, social/leisure skills, mobility training, use of community resources, accessing generic services, facilitating self-advocacy, parenting skills training (if necessary), and the use of direct supports. ILS services are authorized for up to 20 hours per month.
Tri-Counties Regional Center will not authorize funding for the purchase of any independent living support or service that is considered experimental. The expected result from the provision of independent living services must lead to the achievement of the measurable outcomes defined in the service plan. The provision of independent living supports and/or services must be both clinically and fiscally an effective use of public funds.
Information Conference: 7/7/2021 from 10:30-12:00 pm via Zoom
Phone in: 1-408-638-0968, Meeting ID: 95674125801
One Tap Mobile: 14086380968,,95674125801#
Proposals Due: No later than midnight on Sunday, 8/1/21
Award Notification: approximately 10/7/2021
April 2021 CPP RFP - CLOSED
Technology Lending Library (Service Code 999 – Startup funding for Community Placement Plan (CPP)/Community Resource Development Plan (CRDP)
DESCRIPTIONS OF PROGRAMS & Service Summary links
Technology Lending Library (Service Code 999 – Startup funding for Community Placement Plan (CPP)/Community Resource Development Plan (CRDP)
Tri-Counties Regional Center (TCRC) is requesting proposals to create a Technology Lending Library for individuals who are unable to access services and supports due to COVID-19. During the ongoing pandemic, it has become evident that a portion of individuals and families served by TCRC have been unable to meet with their Regional Center Service Coordinators due to lack of technology to do so, let alone take advantage of remote services that are being offered as providers innovate alternative and remote ways to deliver services such as ABA, ILS, Early Start Services and other day services. TCRC provides services and supports to a highly diverse population of over 14,500 individuals and has identified individuals who need this service to stay engaged with their support services as well as the regional center. As TCRC continues to strive to provide equitable services across a diverse population, it is envisioned that equipping those who may be most in need of access to technology will help insure the most appropriate and person-centered services for each individual receiving services.
TCRC strongly recognizes these technological services will still be needed after the pandemic.
Information Conference: 5/3/2021 from 2:00 -3:00 pm via Zoom
Phone in: 1-408-638-0968, Meeting ID: 805 708 0334, passcode 505050
One Tap Mobile: 14086380968,,8057080334#
Proposals Due: No later than midnight on Sunday, 5/23/2021
Award Notification: approximately 6/8/2021
Jan 2021 RFP - CLOSED
- Adult Residential Facility Level 4A-4I (Service Code 915)
- Community Integration Training Program with nursing and behavioral supports (Service Code 055)
- Out-of-Home Respite (Service Code 868)
- Behavior Management (Service Codes 612 /615 or 620)
RFP Instructions
Attachments A, B, & C
DESCRIPTIONS OF PROGRAMS & Service Summary links
Adult Residential Facility Level 4A-4I (Service Code 915)
An adult residential facility (ARF) is a Community Care licensed home which serves the needs of individuals with developmental disabilities. Residents range in age from eighteen (18) to fifty-nine (59) and may be non-ambulatory. A facility with all beds licensed for non-ambulatory individuals is preferred, but a minimum of two (2) non-ambulatory beds is required. Cognitive functioning of individuals referred may range from moderate to severe intellectual disability. Some individuals may be dually diagnosed with autism and/or mental health challenges; some may have aggressive/assaultive or self-injurious behaviors. Development and implementation of behavioral plans and consultation with a qualified behaviorist or mental health professional is required (see Title 17 for description of service codes 612 and 620 for behavioral consultant qualifications).
Community Integration Program with nursing and behavioral supports (Service Code 055)
This day program will provide both nursing and behavioral supports in order to maximize opportunities for individuals to actively participate in their community. The program will:
- a) Provide meaningful, enjoyable activities while specifically meeting the needs of ambulatory and non-ambulatory individuals aged eighteen (18) or older who have chronic medical needs. Personalized community activities are required. This service must be designed to meet the needs of people who may have severe physical challenges and communication deficits, with or without cognitive disabilities, and individuals who require specialized health care services. Services and supports must include: monitoring of chronic medical conditions, assistance with various types of adaptive devices or medical equipment including oxygen and assistance with eating, transferring or toileting.
- b) Provide evidence based behavioral support to people who have behaviors which exceed the scope of services provided by a typical day program. Challenges may include low tolerance to frustration, aggression, self-injurious behavior, and AWOL. Development and implementation of behavioral plans are required in consultation with a qualified specialist (see Title 17 for description of service codes 612 and 620 for qualifications).
Out-of-Home Respite (Service Code 868)
Out-of-home respite to be provided at a Small Family Home (SFH) or Foster Family Agency Home. An SFH is a Community Care Licensed home which serves the needs of children with developmental disabilities. Care is primarily provided by the family that resides in the home. Additional staff may be hired to assist in the care of the children and may include family members. These facilities will serve children ages seven (7) to eleven (11) or twelve (12) to seventeen (17). Children will need support in some or all of the following areas: management of inappropriate social behaviors, developing coping skills to minimize self-injurious behavior, forming and maintaining healthy attachments (potentially including sexual behavior and boundaries), compliance with probation/diversion plans, substance abuse prevention, medication management, dressing, hygiene and grooming and health care.
Potential providers must have prior experience:
- Supporting children and/or adults with developmental disabilities
- Owning or operating a Small Family Home (SFH), Children’s Residential Facility (CRF), Adult Residential Facility (ARF), Residential Care home for the Elderly (RCFE), or Specialized Residential Facility (SRF).
Behavior Management Consultation (Service Codes 612/615 & 620)
Behavioral Management Consultation provides functional, evidence-based treatments and interventions tailored to each individual and their family’s needs in order to improve the individual’s and their family’s quality of life by implementing interventions that consider the whole person. The consultation service is intended to provide psychoeducation to promote transfer of understanding and stimulus control to the parent or staff. The age group served by behavioral management consultation is typically school-aged through adulthood. Services will typically be provided for six (6) to thirty-six (36) months. The consultation service is intended to provide psychoeducation to promote caregivers’ understanding of multiple contributors to behavior and for caregivers’ to obtain skills to promote positive behavior and increased independence.
Behavioral Analyst services provide functional, evidence-based treatments and interventions tailored to each individual and their family’s needs in order to improve the individual’s and their family’s quality of life by implementing interventions informed by the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and systemic contributors to psychological development and functioning. Services are intended to enable the individual to achieve behavioral goals and promote independence. The age group served by ABA is typically eighteen (18) months to adolescence. TCRC recognizes that behavioral support services may be indicated across the lifespan and that behavioral consultation may be indicated for adults as well. Services will typically be provided for twelve (12) to thirty-six (36) months with fading of services to begin after approximately eighteen (18) to twenty-four (24) months.
Information Conference: 2/17/2021 from 10:30-12:00 pm via Zoom
Phone in: 1-408-638-0968, Meeting ID: 7014225303
One Tap Mobile: 14086380968,,7014225303#
Proposals Due: No later than midnight on Sunday, 3/14/21
Award Notification: approximately 5/17/2021
August 2020 RFP - CLOSED
Med-Beh Specialized Residential Facility (Service Code 113)
Community Integration Training Program with nursing and behavioral supports (Service Code 055)
Out-of-Home Respite (Service Code 868)
Behavior Management (Service Codes 612 /615 & 620)
RFP Instructions
Attachments A, B, & C
DESCRIPTIONS OF PROGRAMS & Service Summary links
Med-Beh Specialized Residential Facility (Service Code 113)
A Residential Care Facility is a Community Care Licensed home which serves the needs of individuals with developmental disabilities ages 18 (eighteen) to 59 (fifty nine). This facility will serve individuals who have substantial behavioral, medical, and nutritional challenges that exclude them from traditional Intermediate Care (ICF) and Community Care Licensed (CCL) models. It is designed to provide positive behavioral, medical, and nutritional supports. Individuals may be ambulatory or non-ambulatory. Medical needs may include but are not limited to: diabetes, Prader-Willi syndrome, G-tube, injections, and seizures. Behavioral challenges may include difficulty managing anger, aggression, minor property destruction, self-injurious behavior, PICA, elopement and difficulty forming and maintaining healthy attachments. Individuals referred may also have histories with the criminal justice system. Noise mitigation may need to be addressed.
Community Integration Program with nursing and behavioral supports (Service Code 055)
This day program will provide both nursing and behavioral supports in order to maximize opportunities for individuals to actively participate in their community. The program will:
- a) Provide meaningful, enjoyable activities while specifically meeting the needs of ambulatory and non-ambulatory individuals aged eighteen (18) or older who have chronic medical needs. Personalized community activities are required. This service must be designed to meet the needs of people who may have severe physical challenges and communication deficits, with or without cognitive disabilities, and individuals who require specialized health care services. Services and supports must include: monitoring of chronic medical conditions, assistance with various types of adaptive devices or medical equipment including oxygen and assistance with eating, transferring or toileting.
- b) Provide evidence based behavioral support to people who have behaviors which exceed the scope of services provided by a typical day program. Challenges may include low tolerance to frustration, aggression, self-injurious behavior, and AWOL. Development and implementation of behavioral plans are required in consultation with a qualified specialist (see Title 17 for description of service codes 612 and 620 for qualifications).
Out-of-Home Respite (Service Code 868)
Out-of-home respite to be provided at a Small Family Home (SFH) or Foster Family Agency Home. An SFH is a Community Care Licensed home which serves the needs of children with developmental disabilities. Care is primarily provided by the family that resides in the home. Additional staff may be hired to assist in the care of the children and may include family members. These facilities will serve children ages seven (7) to eleven (11) or twelve (12) to seventeen (17). Children will need support in some or all of the following areas: management of inappropriate social behaviors, developing coping skills to minimize self-injurious behavior, forming and maintaining healthy attachments (potentially including sexual behavior and boundaries), compliance with probation/diversion plans, substance abuse prevention, medication management, dressing, hygiene and grooming and health care.
Potential providers must have prior experience:
- Supporting children and/or adults with developmental disabilities
- Owning or operating a Small Family Home (SFH), Children’s Residential Facility (CRF), Adult Residential Facility (ARF), Residential Care home for the Elderly (RCFE), or Specialized Residential Facility (SRF).
Behavior Management Consultation (Service Codes 612/615 & 620)
Behavioral Analyst services provide functional, evidence-based treatments and interventions tailored to each individual and their family’s needs in order to improve the individual’s and their family’s quality of life by implementing interventions informed by the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and systemic contributors to psychological development and functioning. Services are intended to enable the individual to achieve behavioral goals and promote independence. The age group served by ABA is typically eighteen (18) months to adolescence. TCRC recognizes that behavioral support services may be indicated across the lifespan and that behavioral consultation may be indicated for adults as well. Services will typically be provided for twelve (12) to thirty-six (36) months with fading of services to begin after approximately eighteen (18) to twenty-four (24) months.
Information Conference: 9/17/2020 from 10:30-12:00 pm via Zoom
Phone in: 1-408-638-0968, Meeting ID: 99834901530
One Tap Mobile: 14086380968,,99834901530#
Proposals Due: No later than midnight on Sunday, 10/18/20
Award Notification: approximately 12/7/2020
February 2020 RFP - CLOSED
Parent Support Behavior Intervention provides a tailored short term, time-limited, behavioral approach in naturalistic settings to teach parents practical strategies to be implemented in their daily activities and routines. The focus is solely parent training with no direct intervention provided to the child/person. The primary goal is to empower parent/primary caregiver with the skills they can incorporate in to their day to day interaction with their children. This program is geared towards those children/individuals with less intensive behavioral needs (i.e., no significant tantrums, self-injurious behaviors, elopement, etc.).
Community Integration Program with nursing and behavioral supports (Service Code 055)
This day program will provide both nursing and behavioral supports in order to maximize opportunities for individuals to actively participate in their community. The program will:
- a) Provide meaningful, enjoyable activities while specifically meeting the needs of ambulatory and non-ambulatory individuals aged eighteen (18) or older who have chronic medical needs. Personalized community activities are required. This service must be designed to meet the needs of people who may have severe physical challenges and communication deficits, with or without cognitive disabilities, and individuals who require specialized health care services. Services and supports must include: monitoring of chronic medical conditions, assistance with various types of adaptive devices or medical equipment including oxygen and assistance with eating, transferring or toileting.
- b) Provide evidence based behavioral support to people who have behaviors which exceed the scope of services provided by a typical day program. Challenges may include low tolerance to frustration, aggression, self-injurious behavior, and AWOL. Development and implementation of behavioral plans are required in consultation with a qualified specialist (see Title 17 for description of service codes 612 and 620 for qualifications).
Specialized Residential Facility (SRF) supporting children with intense behavioral needs (Service Code 113) – Pending DDS funding
A children’s SRF is a Community Care Licensed home which serves the needs of children with developmental disabilities. These facilities will serve children ages twelve (12) to eighteen (18). Children will need support in some or all of the following areas: anger management, developing coping skills to minimize self-injurious behavior, forming and maintaining healthy attachments (including safe/appropriate sexual behavior and boundaries), compliance with probation/diversion plans, substance abuse prevention, medication management, health care, and access to mental health services.
Potential providers must have prior demonstrable experience:
- Supporting children and people with developmental disabilities, mental health issues, and forensic backgrounds.
- Owning or operating a Level 4 Children’s Residential Facility (CRF), Adult Residential Facility (ARF), or an SRF.
Level 4A-I Adult Residential Facility (ARF)
An adult residential facility (ARF) is a Community Care licensed home which serves the needs of individuals with developmental disabilities. Residents range in age from eighteen (18) to fifty-nine (59) and may be non-ambulatory. A facility with all beds licensed for non-ambulatory individuals is preferred, but a minimum of two (2) non-ambulatory beds is required. Cognitive functioning of individuals referred may range from moderate to severe intellectual disability. Some individuals may be dually diagnosed with autism and/or mental health challenges; some may have aggressive/assaultive or self-injurious behaviors. Development and implementation of behavioral plans and consultation with a qualified behaviorist or mental health professional is required (see Title 17 for description of service codes 612 and 620 for behavioral consultant qualifications).
Information Conference: 3/12/2020 from 10:30-12:00 pm at the Santa Barbara Tri-Counties Regional Center office in the Service & Supports Conference Room
Proposals Due: No later than midnight on April 5, 2020
RFP Interview/Award Notification: approximately June 8, 2020
Community Integration Program with nursing and behavioral supports (Service Code 055)
This day program will provide both nursing and behavioral supports in order to maximize opportunities for individuals to actively participate in their community. The program will:
- a) Provide meaningful, enjoyable activities while specifically meeting the needs of ambulatory and non-ambulatory individuals aged eighteen (18) or older who have chronic medical needs. Personalized community activities are required. This service must be designed to meet the needs of people who may have severe physical challenges and communication deficits, with or without cognitive disabilities, and individuals who require specialized health care services. Services and supports must include: monitoring of chronic medical conditions, assistance with various types of adaptive devices or medical equipment including oxygen and assistance with eating, transferring or toileting.
- b) Provide evidence based behavioral support to people who have behaviors which exceed the scope of services provided by a typical day program. Challenges may include low tolerance to frustration, aggression, self-injurious behavior, and AWOL. Development and implementation of behavioral plans are required in consultation with a qualified specialist (see Title 17 for description of service codes 612 and 620 for qualifications).
Competency Training (Service Codes 056 & 102)
A competency trainer implements a program that “provides intensive, individualized competency training tailored to the demands of the case and the defendant’s particular competency deficits” (National Judicial College, 2012). Applicants must be knowledgeable about competency training tools such as the Slater Method and/or another state approved training method that supports the provision of a structured training program. The competency trainer will not provide certification of competency; rather their role is to provide instruction to the individual utilizing the specific modules of information. Training modules will be provided in a sequenced manner. The applicant must be familiar with competency-specific assessment tools such as Competency Assessment for Standing Trial-Mental Retardation (CAST-MR) and the Competency Assessment Instrument-Revised (CAI-R). The applicant must have applicable teaching/advocacy experience working with persons with Intellectual Disabilities and have an understanding of the services and supports needed to assist individuals in the community. Applicants will be required to travel to various sites such as correctional and residential facilities.
Specialized Residential Facility (SRF) for adults with severe behaviors (Service Code 113) – Start up funds available pending DDS approval
An SRF is a Community Care Licensed home which serves the needs of individuals with developmental disabilities. This facility will serve adult males or females aged eighteen (18) to fifty-nine (59) who are diagnosed with developmental disabilities and who may be ambulatory or non-ambulatory. Challenges may include anger, aggression, self-injurious behavior, AWOL and difficulty forming and maintaining healthy attachments. Noise mitigation may need to be addressed. The home will be a long-term living arrangement.
Potential providers must have prior experience:
- Owning or operating a Level 4 Adult Residential Facility (ARF)
- Working with individuals with severe behavioral deficits
- Provider must be able to work collaboratively with others in a multi-agency, interdisciplinary configuration (e.g. other Regional Centers, Mental Health, and Probation) for the successful support of the individual.
Social Skills Training (Service Code 605)
Social Skills Training is intended to develop foundational skills and also continually expand social skills abilities. Social skills training will be provided to children with developmental disabilities beginning at age twelve (12) and young adults and will augment the development of appropriate social interaction skills so they may participate in their home and community. The training program is intended to improve interpersonal skills, social interactions, and social communication.
Social skills instruction will incorporate a detailed curriculum of skill training activities, teaching strategies, social stories and games with objective and measureable outcomes. It is expected to address specific goals and objectives identified by the Individual Program Plan (IPP) team, and prepare the child or young adult to transition to inclusive environments where s/he will be able to practice the skills learned, and continue to build new skills.
Social skills training must include instruction for individuals and a vigorous training curriculum for parents and/or primary caregivers. Social skills programs must include parent training and education so that parents are prepared to provide for ongoing social skills development, including social skills instruction, maintenance of learned skills, and generalization of skills.
Supported Living Services (Service Codes 894 & 896)
Supported Living Services (SLS) include personal supports and training that are tailored to meet the specific needs of the individual receiving services to allow him/her to choose and live in his/her own home with support available as often and for as long as it is needed. The intended result of SLS is an increase in an individual’s ability to establish and maintain relationships, make fundamental life decisions, assume membership in the community, and meet daily living needs as independently as possible. Supported Living Services are available to individuals who own or rent their own homes.
Applicants should expect to provide 24-hour services if needed and be willing to serve people who have high behavioral needs and/or significant physical challenges, including people who may be in a wheelchair and need additional assistance.
Info Conference: 9/19/2019 from 10:30-12:00 pm at the Santa Barbara Tri-Counties Regional Center office in the Service & Supports Conference Room
Proposals Due: No later than midnight on October 13, 2019
RFP Interview/Award Notification: approximately December 16, 2019
March 2019 RFP- CLOSED
Level 4A-4I Adult Residential Facility (ARF; Service Code 915) Up to four (4) beds –at least two (2) beds must be non-ambulatory
An adult residential facility (ARF) is a Community Care licensed home which serves the needs of individuals with developmental disabilities. Residents range in age from eighteen (18) to fifty-nine (59) and may be non-ambulatory. A facility with all beds licensed for non-ambulatory individuals is preferred, but a minimum of two (2) non-ambulatory beds is required. Cognitive functioning of individuals referred may range from moderate to severe intellectual disability. Some individuals may be dually diagnosed with autism and/or mental health challenges; some may have aggressive/assaultive or self-injurious behaviors. Development and implementation of behavioral plans and consultation with a qualified behaviorist or mental health professional is required (see Title 17 for description of service codes 612 and 620 for behavioral consultant qualifications).
Attachments A, B, & C (fill-in form) – If you are unable to use the signature feature, feel free to fill in the other fields, then print, sign, and send the signature page as one separate document with your proposal
Parent Support Behavior Intervention Training (Service Code 048)
Parent Support Behavior Intervention provides a tailored short term, time-limited, behavioral approach in naturalistic settings to teach parents practical strategies to be implemented in their daily activities and routines. The focus is solely parent training with no direct intervention provided to the child/person. The primary goal is to empower parent/primary caregiver with the skills they can incorporate in to their day to day interaction with their children. This program is geared towards those children/individuals with less intensive behavioral needs (i.e., no significant tantrums, self-injurious behaviors, elopement, etc.).
Attachments A, B, & C (fill-in form) – If you are unable to use the signature feature, feel free to fill in the other fields, then print, sign, and send the signature page as one separate document with your proposal
Community Integration Training Program with nursing and behavioral supports (Service Code 055)
This day program will provide both nursing and behavioral supports in order to maximize opportunities for individuals to actively participate in their community. The program will:
a) Provide meaningful, enjoyable activities while specifically meeting the needs of ambulatory and non-ambulatory individuals aged eighteen (18) or older who have chronic medical needs. Personalized community activities are required. This service must be designed to meet the needs of people who may have severe physical challenges and communication deficits, with or without cognitive disabilities, and individuals who require specialized health care services. Services and supports must include: monitoring of chronic medical conditions, assistance with various types of adaptive devices or medical equipment including oxygen and assistance with eating, transferring or toileting.
b) Provide evidence based behavioral support to people who have behaviors which exceed the scope of services provided by a typical day program. Challenges may include low tolerance to frustration, aggression, self-injurious behavior, and AWOL. Development and implementation of behavioral plans are required in consultation with a qualified specialist (see Title 17 for description of service codes 612 and 620 for qualifications).
Attachments A, B, & C (fill-in form) – If you are unable to use the signature feature, feel free to fill in the other fields, then print, sign, and send the signature page as one separate document with your proposal
Community Integration Training Program/Braided Day and Employment ServicesProgram (Service Code 055)
This is a creative, vocational day services opportunity for people who may have unique needs and challenges which necessitate individualized and flexible schedules. This will enable staff to support individuals in a way that honors and nurtures skills and talents and will lead to integrative and competitive employment. The program will focus on pre-employment skills training, soft skills training, and community integration including paid and volunteer positions within the community with the end goal of securing long-term competitive employment.
This is a braided services model. The program intentionally has an hourly structure, as opposed to the traditional daily structure, in order to enable: skill discovery, skill building, and job development activities occur on the same day. A staff member functioning as a Job Developer is required and must have demonstrable experience working with and knowledge of the Department of Rehabilitation.
Development and implementation of behavioral plans may be required in consultation with a qualified specialist as determined by an individual’s needs (see Title 17 for description of service codes 612 and 620 for qualifications).
We are seeking proposals from new and existing day services programs for this braided service model in Ventura County (Ojai and Oxnard vicinities). Current providers would be providing this service as an additionally vendored service to their current program offerings and may opt to utilize their current facility within the scope of their license.
The Individuals supported by this model may be ambulatory or non-ambulatory.
Attachments A, B, & C (fill-in form) – If you are unable to use the signature feature, feel free to fill in the other fields, then print, sign, and send the signature page as one separate document with your proposal
Info Conference: 4/18/2019 from 1:30-3:00 pm at the Santa Barbara Tri-Counties Regional Center office in the New Conference Room
Proposals Due: No later than midnight on May 19, 2019
RFP Interview/Award Notification: approximately July 31, 2019
October 2018 Rfp- closed
Enhanced Behavioral Supports Home (EBSH) for Individuals with Autism (Service Codes 900/901)
An Enhanced Behavioral Supports Home (EBSH) is a Community Care Licensed home that is certified by the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) which provides intensive behavioral support to adults. This home will support individuals with a diagnosis of Autism or individuals with similar needs.. This facility will serve men and women aged eighteen (18) to fifty-nine (59). This home is being developed around an individual who has a history of running and jumping in front of and on cars that are moving or parked. The individual will jump out of moving cars and will run into traffic. He also has a history of running on train tracks, biting, hitting, kicking, and pulling hair. He engages in severe property destruction and will throw objects, dump over furniture, destroy electronic equipment, and tear clothing. He engages in self-injurious behaviors that include hitting himself, biting himself, head banging, screaming, pulling out eyelashes, eyebrows, and body hair. He is very fast, has limited language skills and will assault strangers.
Other individuals to be served in this home may currently reside in a State Developmental Center (DC), or other secured treatment programs, may currently receive services out of state or be at risk of losing their current community living arrangement. The home will be a long-term living arrangement for three (3) individuals.
The provider will be required to follow Title 17 Regulations and Health and Safety Code for an EBSH inclusive of enhanced direct care staff qualifications such as certification as Registered Behavior Technicians (RBT).
Services sought for this specialized program include but are not limited to medical case management (preferably performed by a licensed nurse), psychiatric consultation and BCBA certified behavioral consultation.
Individuals with fragile medical conditions exceed the service level to be provided by this home.
Attachments A, B, & C (fill-in form) – If you are unable to use the signature feature, feel free to fill in the other fields, then print, sign, and send the signature page as one separate document with your proposal.
Enhanced Behavioral Supports Home (EBSH) for Individuals with Autism (Service Codes 900/901)
An Enhanced Behavioral Supports Home (EBSH) is a Community Care Licensed home that is certified by the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) which provides intensive behavioral support to adults. This home will support individuals with a diagnosis of Autism or individuals with similar needs.. This facility will serve men and women aged eighteen (18) to fifty-nine (59). This home is being developed around an individual who has a history of running and jumping in front of and on cars that are moving or parked. The individual will jump out of moving cars and will run into traffic. He also has a history of running on train tracks, biting, hitting, kicking, and pulling hair. He engages in severe property destruction and will throw objects, dump over furniture, destroy electronic equipment, and tear clothing. He engages in self-injurious behaviors that include hitting himself, biting himself, head banging, screaming, pulling out eyelashes, eyebrows, and body hair. He is very fast, has limited language skills and will assault strangers.
Other individuals to be served in this home may currently reside in a State Developmental Center (DC), or other secured treatment programs, may currently receive services out of state or be at risk of losing their current community living arrangement. The home will be a long-term living arrangement for three (3) individuals.
The provider will be required to follow Title 17 Regulations and Health and Safety Code for an EBSH inclusive of enhanced direct care staff qualifications such as certification as Registered Behavior Technicians (RBT).
Services sought for this specialized program include but are not limited to medical case management (preferably performed by a licensed nurse), psychiatric consultation and BCBA certified behavioral consultation.
Individuals with fragile medical conditions exceed the service level to be provided by this home.
Attachments A, B, & C (fill-in form) – If you are unable to use the signature feature, feel free to fill in the other fields, then print, sign, and sent the signature page as one separate document with your proposal.
May 2018 RFP- closed
Four (4) beds, all of which of which must be able to serve non-ambulatory individuals
This RCFE will be a Community Care Licensed (CCL) home for four individuals that will provide care for individuals over fifty-nine (59) years of age in a home-like setting. This facility may serve individuals who have behavioral and medical challenges that exclude them from traditional Community Care Licensed ( CCL) homes. It is designated to provide positive behavioral and medical supports. Individuals may be ambulatory or non-ambulatory. Behavioral challenges may include difficulty managing anger, aggression, self-injurious behavior, AWOL, and difficulty forming and maintaining healthy attachments. Possession of Dementia and Hospice waivers is mandated.
Residents will need support in some or all of the following areas: medication management, health care, and dementia care and resulting behaviors. The home is intended to be a long-term living arrangement.
Attachments A, B, & C (fill-in form) – If you are unable to use the signature feature, feel free to fill in the other fields, then print, sign, and send the signature page as one separate document with your proposal.
Medical / Behavioral Residential Care Facility– Service Code 113
Up to four (4) beds
A Residential Care Facility is a Community Care Licensed home which serves the needs of individuals with developmental disabilities the ages of 18 (eighteen) to 59 (fifty nine). This facility will serve individuals who have substantial behavioral and medical challenges that exclude them from traditional Intermediate Care (ICF) and Community Care Licensed (CCL) models. It is designed to provide positive behavioral and medical supports. Individuals may be ambulatory or non-ambulatory. Behavioral challenges may include difficulty managing anger, aggression, self-injurious behavior, AWOL and difficulty forming and maintaining healthy attachments. Individuals referred may also have histories with the criminal justice system. Noise mitigation may need to be addressed.
Attachments A, B, & C (fill-in form) – If you are unable to use the signature feature, feel free to fill in the other fields, then print, sign, and send the signature page as one separate document with your proposal.
Service Code 055 – Community Integration Training Program to provide individualized services to people who require both nursing and behavioral supports to maximize their opportunities to actively participate in their community.
This day program will have two (2) components:
a) Provide meaningful, enjoyable activities while specifically meeting the needs of ambulatory and non-ambulatory individuals aged eighteen (18) or older who have chronic medical needs. Personalized community activities are required. This service must be designed to meet the needs of people who may have severe physical challenges and communication deficits, with or without cognitive disabilities, and individuals who require specialized health care services. Services and supports must include: monitoring of chronic medical conditions, assistance with various types of adaptive devices or medical equipment including oxygen and assistance with eating, transferring or toileting.
b) Provide evidence based behavioral support to people who have behaviors which exceed the scope of services provided by a typical day program. Challenges may include low tolerance to frustration, aggression, self-injurious behavior, and AWOL. Development and implementation of behavioral plans are required in consultation with a qualified specialist (see Title 17 for description of service codes 612 and 620 for qualifications).
Attachments A, B, & C (fill-in form) – If you are unable to use the signature feature, feel free to fill in the other fields, then print, sign, and send the signature page as one separate document with your proposal.
Service Code 915 –Level 4A-4I Adult Residential Facility (ARF) Up to four (4) beds –at least two (2)beds must be non-ambulatory
An adult residential facility (ARF) is a Community Care licensed home which serves the needs of individuals with developmental disabilities. Residents range in age from eighteen (18) to fifty-nine (59)and may be non-ambulatory.A facility with all beds licensed for non-ambulatory individuals is preferred, but a minimum of two(2)non-ambulatory beds is required. Cognitive functioning of individuals referred may range from moderate to severe intellectual disability. Some individuals may be dually diagnosed with autism and/or mental health challenges; some may have aggressive/assaultive or self-injurious behaviors.Development and implementation of behavioral plans and consultation with a qualified behaviorist or mental health professional is required(see Title 17 for description of service codes 612 and 620 for behavioral consultant qualifications).
Attachments A, B, & C (fill-in form) – If you are unable to use the signature feature, feel free to fill in the other fields, then print, sign, and send the signature page as one separate document with your proposal.
Adaptive Skills Trainer (605) – Social Skills Training
Social Skills Training is intended to develop foundational skills and also continually expand social skills abilities. Social skills training will be provided to children with developmental disabilities beginning at age twelve (12) and young adults and will augment the development of appropriate social interaction skills so they may participate in their home and community. The training program is intended to improve interpersonal skills, social interactions, and social communication.
Social skills instruction will incorporate a detailed curriculum of skill training activities, teaching strategies, social stories and games with objective and measureable outcomes. It is expected to address specific goals and objectives identified by the Individual Program Plan (IPP) team, and prepare the child or young adult to transition to inclusive environments where s/he will be able to practice the skills learned, and continue to build new skills.
Social skills training must include instruction for individuals and a vigorous training curriculum for parents and/or primary caregivers. Social skills programs must include parent training and education so that parents are prepared to provide for ongoing social skills development, including social skills instruction, maintenance of learned skills, and generalization of skills.
Attachments A, B, & C (fill-in form) – If you are unable to use the signature feature, feel free to fill in the other fields, then print, sign, and send the signature page as one separate document with your proposal.
Service Code 055 – Community Integration Training Program/Braided Day and Employment Services Program
This is a creative vocational day services opportunity for people who may have unique needs and challenges which necessitate individualized and flexible schedules to enable staff to support them in a way that honors and nurtures individual skills and talents which will lead to integrative and competitive employment. The program will focus on pre-employment skills training, soft skills training, and community integration including paid and volunteer positions within the community with the end goal of securing long-term competitive employment.
This is a Braided services model. The program has an hourly structure as opposed to the traditional daily structure to enable skill discovery, skill building and job development activities to occur on the same day. A staff member functioning as a Job Developer is required and must have demonstrable experience working with and knowledge of the Department of Rehabilitation.
Development and implementation of behavioral plans may be required in consultation with a qualified specialist as determined by an individual’s needs (see Title 17 for description of service codes 612 and 620 for qualifications).
We are seeking proposals from new and existing day services programs throughout TCRC’s catchment area who are interested in this braided services model. Current providers would be providing this service as an additionally vendored service to their current program offerings.
The Individuals supported by this model may be ambulatory or non-ambulatory.
Attachments A, B, & C (fill-in form) – If you are unable to use the signature feature, feel free to fill in the other fields, then print, sign, and send the signature page as one separate document with your proposal.
Service Code 915 – Adult Residential Facility (ARF) licensed as a Residential Care Facility – Elderly (RCFE)
Four (4) beds, all of which of which must be able to serve non-ambulatory individuals
Seeking Level 4A-4I
This RCFE will be a Community Care Licensed (CCL) home for four individuals that will provide care for individuals over fifty-nine (59) years of age in a home-like setting. This home must accommodate both ambulatory and non-ambulatory individuals with developmental disabilities. Possession of Dementia and Hospice waivers is mandated for Level 4.
Residents will need support in some or all of the following areas: medication management, health care, and dementia care and resulting behaviors. The home is intended to be a long-term living arrangement.
Attachments A, B, & C (fill-in form) – If you are unable to use the signature feature, feel free to fill in the other fields, then print, sign, and send the signature page as one separate document with your proposal.
Info Conference: 6/13/2018 from 2:00-3:30pm at the Santa Barbara Tri-Counties Regional Center office in the New Conference Room
Proposals Due: No later than midnight on July 8, 2018
RFP Interview/Award Notification: August 24, 2018
Enhanced Behavior Supports Home (EBSH 901) for Individuals with Autism for up to three (3) beds
An Enhanced Behavior Supports Home (EBSH) is an adult residential facility certified by the Department of Developmental Services and licensed by the Department of Social Services that provides 24-hour nonmedical care to individuals who require enhanced behavioral supports, staffing, and supervision in a homelike setting, as defined in Section 4648.80 of the Welfare and Institutions Code.
This facility will serve three (3) men and women aged eighteen (18) to fifty-nine (59). This home is being developed around two individuals currently residing at Fairview Developmental Center (FDC). One of the individuals is a young adult who has a history of running and jumping in front of and on cars that are moving or parked. The individual will jump out of moving cars and will run into traffic. He also has a history of running on train tracks, biting, hitting, kicking, and pulling hair. He engages in severe property destruction and will throw objects, dump over furniture, destroy electronic equipment, and tear clothing. He engages in self-injurious behaviors that include hitting himself, biting himself, head banging, screaming, pulling out eyelashes, eyebrows, and body hair. He is very fast, has limited language skills and will assault strangers.
The other individual is a young adult of large stature with limited verbal communication. He engages in aggressive behaviors towards others that include hitting and biting and can require a number of staff to contain him to prevent injury. He also engages in severe property destruction.
Other individuals to be served in this home may currently reside in a State Developmental Center (DC), or other secured treatment programs, may currently receive services out of state or be at risk of losing their current community living arrangement. The home will be a long-term living arrangement for three (3) individuals.
This is an Enhanced Behavioral Supports Home (EBSH) and the provider will be required to follow Title 17 Regulations for this home inclusive of enhanced direct care staff qualification such as certification as Registered Behavior Technicians (RBT).
Services sought for this specialized program include but are not limited to medical case management (preferably performed by a licensed nurse), psychiatric consultation and BCBA certified behavioral consultation.
Individuals with fragile medical conditions exceed the service level to be provided by this home.
Attachments A, B, & C (fill-in form) – If you are unable to use the signature feature, feel free to fill in the other fields, then print, sign, and send the signature page as one separate document with your proposal.
Specialized Residential Facility (SRF) for Adult Dually Diagnosed Individuals –Service Code 113 for up to four (4) beds
A Specialized Residential Facility (SRF) is a Community Care Licensed home which serves the needs of individuals with developmental disabilities. This facility will support adults aged 18 to 59 who may be dually diagnosed with both psychiatric and developmental disabilities and who may be ambulatory or non-ambulatory. Challenges may include difficulty managing anger, aggression, self-injurious behavior, elopement,and difficulty forming and maintaining healthy attachments. Individuals referred may have histories with the criminal justice system. Noise mitigation may need to be addressed. Individuals to be served currently are at risk for placement in a restrictive and/or secured setting. The home will be along-term living arrangement.
Attachments A, B, & C (fill-in form) – If you are unable to use the signature feature, feel free to fill in the other fields, then print, sign, and send the signature page as one separate document with your proposal.
Info Conference: 5/30/2018
January 2018 RFP - Closed
January 2018 RFP- Now Closed
Adult Residential Facility (915: Level 4) An adult residential facility (ARF) is a Community Care licensed home which serves the needs of individuals with developmental disabilities. Residents range in age from eighteen (18) to fifty-nine (59) and may be non-ambulatory. A facility with all beds licensed for non-ambulatory individuals is preferred, but a minimum of two (2) non-ambulatory beds is required. Cognitive functioning of individuals referred may range from moderate to severe intellectual disability. Some individuals may be dually diagnosed with autism and/or mental health challenges; some may have aggressive/assaultive or self-injurious behaviors. Development and implementation of behavioral plans and consultation with a qualified behaviorist or mental health professional is required (see Title 17 for description of service codes 612 and 620 for behavioral consultant qualifications). Service Summary Guidelines RFP Instructions Attachments A, B, & C (fill-in form) – If you are unable to use the signature feature, feel free to fill in the other fields, then print, sign, and send the signature page as one separate document with your proposal. Adult Severe Behaviors Specialized Residential Facility (113) A SRF is a Community Care Licensed home which serves the needs of individuals with developmental disabilities. This facility will serve adult males or females aged eighteen (18) to fifty-nine (59) who are diagnosed with developmental disabilities and who may be ambulatory or non-ambulatory. Challenges may include anger, aggression, self-injurious behavior, AWOL and difficulty forming and maintaining healthy attachments. Noise mitigation may need to be addressed. The home will be a long-term living arrangement. Service Summary Guidelines RFP Instructions Attachments A, B, & C (fill-in form) – If you are unable to use the signature feature, feel free to fill in the other fields, then print, sign, and send the signature page as one separate document with your proposal. Braided Day Program, Community Integration and Employment Skills (055) This is a creative vocational day services opportunity for people who may have unique needs and challenges which necessitate individualized and flexible schedules to enable staff to support them in a way that honors and nurtures individual skills and talents which will lead to integrative and competitive employment. The program will focus on pre-employment skills training, soft skills training, and community integration including paid and volunteer positions within the community with the end goal of securing long-term competitive employment. This is a Braided services model. The program has an hourly structure as opposed to the traditional daily structure to enable skill discovery, skill building and job development activities to occur on the same day. A staff member functioning as a Job Developer is required and must have demonstrable experience working with and knowledge of the Department of Rehabilitation. Development and implementation of behavioral plans may be required in consultation with a qualified specialist as determined by an individual’s needs (see Title 17 for description of service codes 612 and 620 for qualifications). We are seeking proposals from new and existing day services programs throughout TCRC’s catchment area who are interested in this braided services model. Current providers would be providing this service as an additionally vendored service to their current program offerings. The Individuals supported by this model may be ambulatory or non-ambulatory. Service Summary Guidelines RFP Instructions Attachments A, B, & C (fill-in form) – If you are unable to use the signature feature, feel free to fill in the other fields, then print, sign, and send the signature page as one separate document with your proposal. Children’s Out-of-Home-Respite Facility (868) Out-of-home respite to be provided at a Small Family Home (SFH) or Foster Family Agency Home. An SFH is a Community Care Licensed home which serves the needs of children with developmental disabilities. Care is primarily provided by the family that resides in the home. Additional staff may be hired to assist in the care of the children and may include family members. These facilities will serve children ages seven (7) to eleven (11) or twelve (12) to seventeen (17). Children will need support in some or all of the following areas: management of inappropriate social behaviors, developing coping skills to minimize self-injurious behavior, forming and maintaining healthy attachments (potentially including sexual behavior and boundaries), compliance with probation/diversion plans, substance abuse prevention, medication management, dressing, hygiene and grooming and health care. Potential providers must have prior experience:
- Supporting children and/or adults with developmental disabilities
- Owning or operating a Small Family Home (SFH), Children’s Residential Facility (CRF), Adult Residential Facility (ARF), Residential Care home for the Elderly (RCFE), or Specialized Residential Facility (SRF).
Service Summary Guidelines RFP Instructions Attachments A, B, & C (fill-in form) – If you are unable to use the signature feature, feel free to fill in the other fields, then print, sign, and send the signature page as one separate document with your proposal. Competency Training (056 and 102) A competency trainer implements a program that “provides intensive, individualized competency training tailored to the demands of the case and the defendant’s particular competency deficits” (National Judicial College, 2012). Applicants must be knowledgeable about competency training tools such as the Slater Method and/or another state approved training method that supports the provision of a structured training program. The competency trainer will not provide certification of competency; rather their role is to provide instruction to the individual utilizing the specific modules of information. Training modules will be provided in a sequenced manner. The applicant must be familiar with competency-specific assessment tools such as Competency Assessment for Standing Trial-Mental Retardation (CAST-MR) and the Competency Assessment Instrument-Revised (CAI-R). The applicant must have applicable teaching/advocacy experience working with persons with Intellectual Disabilities and have an understanding of the services and supports needed to assist individuals in the community. Applicants will be required to travel to various sites such as correctional and residential facilities. Service Summary Guidelines RFP Instructions Attachments A, B, & C (fill-in form) – If you are unable to use the signature feature, feel free to fill in the other fields, then print, sign, and send the signature page as one separate document with your proposal. Medical and Behavioral Supports Day Program, Community Integration (055) This day program will have two (2) components:
- a) Provide meaningful, enjoyable activities while specifically meeting the needs of ambulatory and non-ambulatory individuals aged eighteen (18) or older who have chronic medical needs. Personalized community activities are required. This service must be designed to meet the needs of people who may have severe physical challenges and communication deficits, with or without cognitive disabilities, and individuals who require specialized health care services. Services and supports must include: monitoring of chronic medical conditions, assistance with various types of adaptive devices or medical equipment including oxygen and assistance with eating, transferring or toileting.
- b) Provide evidence based behavioral support to people who have behaviors which exceed the scope of services provided by a typical day program. Challenges may include low tolerance to frustration, aggression, self-injurious behavior, and AWOL. Development and implementation of behavioral plans are required in consultation with a qualified specialist (see Title 17 for description of service codes 612 and 620 for qualifications).
Service Summary Guidelines RFP Instructions Attachments A, B, & C (fill-in form) – If you are unable to use the signature feature, feel free to fill in the other fields, then print, sign, and send the signature page as one separate document with your proposal. Social Skills Service (605) Social Skills Training is intended to develop foundational skills and also continually expand social skills abilities. Social skills training will be provided to children with developmental disabilities beginning at age twelve (12) and young adults and will augment the development of appropriate social interaction skills so they may participate in their home and community. The training program is intended to improve interpersonal skills, social interactions, and social communication. Social skills instruction will incorporate a detailed curriculum of skill training activities, teaching strategies, social stories and games with objective and measureable outcomes. It is expected to address specific goals and objectives identified by the Individual Program Plan (IPP) team, and prepare the child or young adult to transition to inclusive environments where s/he will be able to practice the skills learned, and continue to build new skills. Social skills training must include instruction for individuals and a vigorous training curriculum for parents and/or primary caregivers. Social skills programs must include parent training and education so that parents are prepared to provide for ongoing social skills development, including social skills instruction, maintenance of learned skills, and generalization of skills. Service Summary Guidelines RFP Instructions Attachments A, B, & C (fill-in form) – If you are unable to use the signature feature, feel free to fill in the other fields, then print, sign, and send the signature page as one separate document with your proposal. Specialized Residential Facility Children’s Home (113) A children’s SRF is a Community Care Licensed home which serves the needs of children with developmental disabilities. These facilities will serve children ages twelve (12) to eighteen (18). Children will need support in some or all of the following areas: anger management, developing coping skills to minimize self-injurious behavior, forming and maintaining healthy attachments (including safe/appropriate sexual behavior and boundaries), compliance with probation/diversion plans, substance abuse prevention, medication management, health care, and access to mental health services. Potential providers must have prior demonstrable experience:
- Supporting children and people with developmental disabilities, mental health issues, and forensic backgrounds.
- Owning or operating a Level 4 Children’s Residential Facility (CRF), Adult Residential Facility (ARF), or an SRF.
Service Summary Guidelines RFP Instructions Attachments A, B, & C (fill-in form) – If you are unable to use the signature feature, feel free to fill in the other fields, then print, sign, and send the signature page as one separate document with your proposal. Supported Living Service (894, 896) Supported Living Services (SLS) include personal supports and training that are tailored to meet the specific needs of the individual receiving services to allow him/her to choose and live in his/her own home with support available as often and for as long as it is needed. The intended result of SLS is an increase in an individual’s ability to establish and maintain relationships, make fundamental life decisions, assume membership in the community, and meet daily living needs as independently as possible. Supported Living Services are available to individuals who own or rent their own homes. Applicants should expect to provide 24-hour services if needed and be willing to serve people who have high behavioral needs and/or significant physical challenges, including people who may be in a wheelchair and need additional assistance. Service Summary Guidelines RFP Instructions Attachments A, B, & C (fill-in form) – If you are unable to use the signature feature, feel free to fill in the other fields, then print, sign, and send the signature page as one separate document with your proposal. Timeline: RFP Posted: 1/31/2018 Info Conference: 2/14/2018 from 2:00-3:30pm at the Santa Barbara Tri-Counties Regional Center office in the Services & Supports Conference Room
Proposals Due: 3/04/2018 RFP Interview/Award Notification: 4/06/2018
November 2017 RFP - Closed
The November RFP for 2017 has been EXTENDED to February 11, 2018
Please refer to the following updated links: Service Summary Guidelines RFP Instructions Attachments A, B, & C (fill-in form) – If you are unable to use the signature feature, feel free to fill in the other fields, then print, sign, and send the signature page as one separate document with your proposal. The relevant information for this RFP is below: CPP Community Integration Training Program (Service Code 055) with a Specialized Therapeutic Services Component (Service Code 117) This is a creative day program opportunity for people who have moderate to severe maladaptive behaviors and clinical needs that exceed the scope of services provided by a typical day program. The typical candidate for service are dually diagnosed with both psychiatric and intellectual/developmental disabilities and who may be ambulatory or non-ambulatory. Challenges may include difficulty managing anger, aggression, self-injurious behavior, elopement, and difficulty forming and maintaining healthy attachments. Individuals referred may have histories with the criminal justice system. The program will serve up to 15 individuals and will provide vocational skill development, job creation, job coaching and placement activities, as well as specialized services including psychological assessment, group psychotherapy, individual psychotherapy, medication management and monitoring, interpersonal skill development, and psycho-educational interventions. The treatment services will be evidence-based and will coordinate with the residential program treatment and support approaches. Service Summary Guidelines RFP Instructions Attachments A, B, & C (fill-in form) – If you are unable to use the signature feature, feel free to fill in the other fields, then print, sign, and send the signature page as one separate document with your proposal. The Information Conference for the November 2017 CPP RFP was held Monday Dec 18th. Here is a link to Questions and Answers from the RFP Information Conference. Due to the short notice, we are also opening a conference line to enable participants to call in. The number is (805) 351-3090 pin 2001262. Please contact TCRC Resource Development at (805) 351-3121 if you have any questions.
August 2017 RFP - Closed
Adult Severe Behaviors Specialized Residential Facility (SRF) An SRF is a Community Care Licensed home which serves the needs of individuals with developmental disabilities. This facility will serve adult males or females aged eighteen (18) to fifty-nine (59) who are diagnosed with developmental disabilities and who may be ambulatory or non-ambulatory. Challenges may include anger, aggression, self-injurious behavior, AWOL and difficulty forming and maintaining healthy attachments. Noise mitigation may need to be addressed. The home will be a long-term living arrangement. Service Summary Guidelines RFP Instructions Attachments A, B, & C (fill-in form) – If you are unable to use the signature feature, feel free to fill in the other fields, then print, sign, and send the signature page as one separate document with your proposal. Adult Residential Facility (ARF) Level 4 An adult residential facility (ARF) is a Community Care licensed home which serves the needs of individuals with developmental disabilities. Residents range in age from eighteen (18) to fifty-nine (59) and may be non-ambulatory. A facility with all beds licensed for non-ambulatory individuals is preferred, but a minimum of two (2) non-ambulatory beds is required. Cognitive functioning of individuals referred may range from moderate to severe intellectual disability. Some individuals may be dually diagnosed with autism and/or mental health challenges; some may have aggressive/assaultive or self-injurious behaviors. Development and implementation of behavioral plans and consultation with a qualified behaviorist or mental health professional is required. Service Summary Guidelines RFP Instructions Attachments A, B, & C (fill-in form) – If you are unable to use the signature feature, feel free to fill in the other fields, then print, sign, and send the signature page as one separate document with your proposal. Braided Day Program, Community Integration and Employment Skills This is a creative vocational day services opportunity for people who may have unique needs and challenges which necessitate individualized and flexible schedules to enable staff to support them in a way that honors and nurtures individual skills and talents which will lead to integrative and competitive employment. The program will focus on pre-employment skills training, soft skills training, and community integration including paid and volunteer positions within the community with the end goal of securing long-term competitive employment. Service Summary Guidelines RFP Instructions Attachments A, B, & C (fill-in form) – If you are unable to use the signature feature, feel free to fill in the other fields, then print, sign, and send the signature page as one separate document with your proposal. Children’s Residential Facility (CRF) Level 4 A children’s residential home is licensed by the State of California, Community Care Licensing (CCL). It provides residential services for children with developmental disabilities who have significant behavioral needs. If multiple homes are proposed, please indicate this intention. Service Summary Guidelines RFP Instructions Attachments A, B, & C (fill-in form) – If you are unable to use the signature feature, feel free to fill in the other fields, then print, sign, and send the signature page as one separate document with your proposal. Day Program, Community Integration This Community Integration Day Program shall consist of two (2) components: a)Provide meaningful, enjoyable activities while specifically meeting the needs of ambulatory and non-ambulatory individuals aged eighteen (18) or older who have chronic medical needs. Personalized community activities are required. This service must be designed to meet the needs of people who may have severe physical challenges and communication deficits, with or without cognitive disabilities, and individuals who require specialized health care services. Services and supports must include: monitoring of chronic medical conditions, assistance with various types of adaptive devices or medical equipment including oxygen and assistance with eating, transferring or toileting. b)Provide evidence based behavioral support to people who have behaviors which exceed the scope of services provided by a typical day program. Challenges may include low tolerance to frustration, aggression, self-injurious behavior, and AWOL. Development and implementation of behavioral plans are required in consultation with a qualified specialist (see Title 17 for description of service codes 612 and 620 for qualifications). Service Summary Guidelines RFP Instructions Attachments A, B, & C (fill-in form) – If you are unable to use the signature feature, feel free to fill in the other fields, then print, sign, and send the signature page as one separate document with your proposal. Infant Development Program An Infant Development Program is a multi-disciplinary program serving infants and toddlers under the age of three (3) years with a developmental delay in areas of cognitive, physical/motor, communication, social/emotional, and /or adaptive development. Services will include at a minimum the following: Early Interventionists, speech therapy, physical therapy and occupational therapy. Service Summary Guidelines RFP Instructions Attachments A, B, & C (fill-in form) – If you are unable to use the signature feature, feel free to fill in the other fields, then print, sign, and send the signature page as one separate document with your proposal. In-Home Respite Agency In-Home respite provides intermittent or regularly scheduled temporary non-medical care and/or supervision provided in the person’s home. Respite services are support services which typically include assisting the family members to enable a person served to stay at home. It provides appropriate care and supervision to protect that person’s safety in the absence of a family member (s). Respite relieves family members from the constantly demanding responsibility of providing care and attending to basic self-help needs and other activities that would ordinarily be performed by the family member. Service Summary Guidelines RFP Instructions Attachments A, B, & C (fill-in form) – If you are unable to use the signature feature, feel free to fill in the other fields, then print, sign, and send the signature page as one separate document with your proposal. Medical/Behavioral Specialized Residential Facility (SRF) A Residential Care Facility is a Community Care Licensed home which serves the needs of individuals with developmental disabilities the ages of 18 (eighteen) to 59 (fifty nine). This facility will serve individuals who have substantial behavioral and medical challenges that exclude them from traditional Intermediate Care (ICF) and Community Care Licensed (CCL) models. It is designed to provide positive behavioral and medical supports. Individuals may be ambulatory or non-ambulatory. Behavioral challenges may include difficulty managing anger, aggression, self-injurious behavior, AWOL and difficulty forming and maintaining healthy attachments. Individuals referred may also have histories with the criminal justice system. Noise mitigation may need to be addressed. Service Summary Guidelines RFP Instructions Attachments A, B, & C (fill-in form) – If you are unable to use the signature feature, feel free to fill in the other fields, then print, sign, and send the signature page as one separate document with your proposal. Out-of-Home Respite Out-of-home respite to be provided at a Small Family Home (SFH) or Foster Family Agency Home. An SFH is a Community Care Licensed home which serves the needs of children with developmental disabilities. Care is primarily provided by the family that resides in the home. Additional staff may be hired to assist in the care of the children and may include family members. These facilities will serve children ages seven (7) to eleven (11) or twelve (12) to seventeen (17). Children will need support in some or all of the following areas: management of inappropriate social behaviors, developing coping skills to minimize self-injurious behavior, forming and maintaining healthy attachments (potentially including sexual behavior and boundaries), compliance with probation/diversion plans, substance abuse prevention, medication management, dressing, hygiene and grooming and health care. Service Summary Guidelines RFP Instructions Attachments A, B, & C (fill-in form) – If you are unable to use the signature feature, feel free to fill in the other fields, then print, sign, and send the signature page as one separate document with your proposal. Parent Support Behavior Intervention Training Parent Support Behavior Intervention provides a tailored short term, time-limited, behavioral approach in naturalistic settings to teach parents practical strategies to be implemented in their daily activities and routines. The focus is solely parent training with no direct intervention provided to the child/person. The primary goal is to empower parent/primary caregiver with the skills they can incorporate in to their day to day interaction with their children. This program is geared towards those children/individuals with less intensive behavioral needs, i.e. no significant tantrums, self-injurious behaviors, elopement, etc. Service Summary Guidelines RFP Instructions Attachments A, B, & C (fill-in form) – If you are unable to use the signature feature, feel free to fill in the other fields, then print, sign, and send the signature page as one separate document with your proposal. Supported Living Services (SLS) Supported Living Services (SLS) include personal supports and training that are tailored to meet the specific needs of the individual receiving services to allow him/her to choose and live in his/her own home with support available as often and for as long as it is needed. The intended result of SLS is an increase in an individual’s ability to establish and maintain relationships, make fundamental life decisions, assume membership in the community, and meet daily living needs as independently as possible. Supported Living Services are available to individuals who own or rent their own homes. Service Summary Guidelines RFP Instructions Attachments A, B, & C (fill-in form) – If you are unable to use the signature feature, feel free to fill in the other fields, then print, sign, and send the signature page as one separate document with your proposal. Timeline RFP Posted: 8/4/2017 Info Conference: 8/17/2017 at the Santa Barbara Tri-Counties Regional Center office in the Services & Supports Conference Room Info Conference Q&A Proposals Due: 9/10/2017 RFP Interview/Award Notification: 10/13/2017
June 2017 RFP - Closed
Medical / Behavioral Residential Care Facility for the Elderly (RCFE) A Residential Care Facility for the Elderly (RCFE) is a Community Care Licensed home which serves the needs of individuals with developmental disabilities over the age of fifty-nine (59). This facility will serve individuals who have substantial behavioral and medical challenges that exclude them from traditional Intermediate Care (ICF) and Community Care Licensed (CCL) models. It is designed to provide positive behavioral and medical supports. Individuals may be ambulatory or non-ambulatory. Behavioral challenges may include difficulty managing anger, aggression, self-injurious behavior, AWOL and difficulty forming and maintaining healthy attachments. Individuals referred may also have histories with the criminal justice system. Noise mitigation may need to be addressed. Individuals to be served currently reside in State Developmental Centers (DC) and other secured treatment programs or are at risk of entering a DC from their current community living arrangement. The home will be a long-term living arrangement. Individuals to be served currently reside in DC’s and other secured treatment programs or are at risk of entering a DC from their current community living arrangement. Service Summary Guidelines RFP Instructions Attachments A, B, & C (fill-in form) – If you are unable to use the signature feature, feel free to fill in the other fields, then print, sign, and send the signature page as one separate document with your proposal. Timeline RFP Posted: 6/23/2017 Info Conference: 6/28/2017 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM at the Santa Barbara Tri-Counties Regional Center office in the IS Training Room Info Conference Q&A Proposals Due: 7/16/2017 by midnight RFP Interview/Award Notification: 7/21/2017
May 2017 RFP - Closed
Specialized Residential Facility – Enhanced Behavioral Supports Home for Individuals with Autism A Specialized Residential Facility (SRF) is a Community Care Licensed home which serves the needs of individuals with developmental disabilities. This facility will serve men and women aged eighteen (18) to fifty-nine (59). This home is being developed around an individual who has a history of running and jumping in front of and on cars that are moving or parked. The individual will jump out of moving cars and will run into traffic. He also has a history of running on train tracks, biting, hitting, kicking, and pulling hair. He engages in severe property destruction and will throw objects, dump over furniture, destroy electronic equipment, and tear clothing. He engages in self-injurious behaviors that include hitting himself, biting himself, head banging, screaming, pulling out eyelashes, eyebrows, and body hair. He is very fast, has limited language skills and will assault strangers. Other individuals to be served in this home may currently reside in a State Developmental Center (DC), or other secured treatment programs, may currently receive services out of state or be at risk of losing their current community living arrangement. The home will be a long-term living arrangement for four (4) individuals. This is an Enhanced Behavioral Supports Home (EBSH) and the provider will be required to follow Title 17 Regulations for this home inclusive of enhanced direct care staff qualification such as certification as Registered Behavior Technicians (RBT). Services sought for this specialized program include but are not limited to medical case management (preferably performed by a licensed nurse), psychiatric consultation and BCBA certified behavioral consultation. Individuals with fragile medical conditions exceed the service level to be provided by this home. Service Summary Guidelines RFP Instructions Attachments A, B, & C (fill-in form) – If you are unable to use the signature feature, feel free to fill in the other fields, then print, sign, and send the signature page as one separate document with your proposal. Timeline RFP Posted: 5/22/2017 Info Conference: 6/6/2017 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM at the Santa Barbara Tri-Counties Regional Center office in the Services & Supports Conference Room Info Conference Q&A Posted: 6/13/2017 Proposals Due: 6/25/2017 RFP Interview/Award Notification: 7/21/2017
September 2016 RFP - Closed
September 2016 RFP – CLOSED
Adult Residential Facilities for Persons with Special Health Care Needs (ARFPSHN) The ARFPSHN is a residential model that was created to serve the most medically fragile individuals who were transitioning from Agnews Developmental Center into the local community. The purpose of these developments is to provide residential supports and services to a total of five (5) medically fragile individuals per home, who will be moving out of the Developmental Centers. These facilities will be a resource for adults who have highly intensive medical conditions and who may be non-ambulatory. ARFPSHN Service Summary Guidelines RFP Instructions Attachments A, B, & C (fill-in form) – If you are unable to use the signature feature, feel free to fill in the other fields, then print, sign, and send the signature page as one separate document with your proposal. Day Program, Community Integration for Autism This is a creative day program opportunity for people who have moderate to severe maladaptive behaviors that exceed the scope of services provided by a typical day program. The typical candidate for service will have a diagnosis of Autism or an Intellectual Disability (severe to profound) and display behavioral issues such as aggression, property destruction, running/wandering away, self-injurious behavior, as well as ingestion of inedible objects. Individuals may also have medical diagnoses that require monitoring such as epilepsy. Program will focus on social skills, safety skills, and will benefit from a tailored and structured program based on individual needs. Community integration will be emphasized as appropriate. Some individuals identified for this program require specialized support to assist them in safely navigating the community as they transition from highly restrictive settings. Safety focus areas include but are not limited to, vehicle safety, both in being transported and in traversing traffic in the community as well as maintaining safe boundaries (both social and physical) when engaging fellow community members. Day Program, Community Integration for Autism Service Summary Guidelines RFP Instructions Attachments A, B, & C (fill-in form) – If you are unable to use the signature feature, feel free to fill in the other fields, then print, sign, and send the signature page as one separate document with your proposal. Adolescent Step-Down Specialized Residential Facility (SRF) This SRF is a joint project between TCRC and SCIHLP. A children’s SRF is a Community Care Licensed home which serves the needs of children with developmental disabilities. This facility will serve as a stepdown setting for children ages twelve (12) to eighteen (18) who are transitioning from a crisis home. The expected staffing support needs to individual residents will be at a ratio of 1:2 during all waking hours. Children will need support in some or all of the following areas: emotional self-regulation, anger management, developing coping skills to minimize self-injurious behavior, forming and maintaining healthy attachments (including safe/appropriate sexual behavior and boundaries), compliance with probation/diversion plans, substance abuse prevention, medication management, health care, and access to mental health services. Adolescent Step-Down SRF Service Summary Guidelines RFP Instructions Attachments A, B, & C (fill-in form) – If you are unable to use the signature feature, feel free to fill in the other fields, then print, sign, and send the signature page as one separate document with your proposal. Independent Living Services (ILS) ILS provides community-based, structured, skill-based training programs designed to teach adults the skills and behaviors necessary to live in their own home; or to achieve greater independence while living in the home of a parent, family member, or other person. ILS programs provide skills training for adults who generally have acquired basic self-help skills, or who, because of their physical disabilities, do not possess basic self-help skills, but can employ and supervise aides to assist them in meeting their personal needs. ILS Service Summary Guidelines RFP Instructions Attachments A, B, & C (fill-in form) – If you are unable to use the signature feature, feel free to fill in the other fields, then print, sign, and send the signature page as one separate document with your proposal. Infant Development Program An Infant Development Program is a multi-disciplinary program serving infants and toddlers under the age of three (3) years with a developmental delay in areas of cognitive, physical/motor, communication, social/emotional, and /or adaptive development. Services will include at a minimum the following: Early Interventionists, speech therapy, physical therapy and occupational therapy. Infant Development Program Service Summary Guidelines RFP Instructions Attachments A, B, & C (fill-in form) – If you are unable to use the signature feature, feel free to fill in the other fields, then print, sign, and send the signature page as one separate document with your proposal. Supported Living Services (SLS) SLS includes personal supports and training that are tailored to meet the specific needs of the individual receiving services to allow him/her to choose and live in his/her own home with support available as often and for as long as it is needed. The intended result of SLS is an increase in an individual’s ability to establish and maintain relationships, make fundamental life decisions, assume membership in the community, and meet daily living needs as independently as possible. Supported Living Services are available to individuals who own or rent their own homes. SLS Service Summary Guidelines RFP Instructions Attachments A, B, & C (fill-in form) – If you are unable to use the signature feature, feel free to fill in the other fields, then print, sign, and send the signature page as one separate document with your proposal. Timeline
Milestones | Infant Development Program, ILS, SLS | Adolescent Step Down SRF, Day Program, Community Integration for Autism | ARFPSHN |
Posting of RFP | 9/30/2016 | 9/30/2016 | 9/30/2016 |
Info Conference* | 10/17/2016 | 10/19/2016 | 10/19/2016 |
Posting Q&A on webpage | Q&A | Q&A | Q&A |
Proposals due from applicants | 10/31/2016 by midnight | 10/31/2016 by midnight | 11/30/2016 by midnight |
Award/Interview Notification | 12/15/2016 | 12/15/2016 | 1/13/2017 |
*The Infant Development Program, ILS, and SLS Information Conference will be in the Large Conference Room at the TCRC San Luis Obispo Office located at 3450 Broad St. Suite #103, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 from 3:00 to 4:30 PM. The Adolescent Step Down SRF, Day Program – Community Integration for Autism, and ARFPSHN Information Conference will be in the Services and Supports Conference Room at the TCRC Santa Barbara Office located at 520 East Montecito Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93103 from 1:30 to 3:00 PM.
Other Regional Center RFPs
Lanterman Regional Center – Adult Specialized Residential Facility for PICA – CLOSED
NLARC Regional Center CPP RFP – CLOSED
Link to NLARC RFP Page
October 2016 RFP - Closed
October 2016 RFP – CLOSED
Day Program, Community Integration and Employment Skills This is a creative day program opportunity for people who have moderate to severe maladaptive behaviors that exceed the scope of services provided by a typical day program. Program will focus on pre-employment skills training, soft skills training, and community integration including paid and volunteer positions within the community. Individuals may be ambulatory or non-ambulatory. Development and implementation of behavioral plans may be required in consultation with a qualified specialist. Day Program, Community Integration and Employment Skills Service Summary Guidelines RFP Instructions Attachments A, B, & C (fill-in form) – If you are unable to use the signature feature, feel free to fill in the other fields, then print, sign, and send the signature page as one separate document with your proposal. Adult Severe Behaviors Specialized Residential Facility This facility will serve adult males or females aged eighteen (18) to fifty-nine (59) who are diagnosed with developmental disabilities and who may be ambulatory or non-ambulatory. Challenges may include anger, aggression, self-injurious behavior, AWOL and difficulty forming and maintaining healthy attachments. Noise mitigation may need to be addressed. The home will be a long-term living arrangement. Adult Severe Behaviors Specialized Residential Facility Service Summary Guidelines RFP Instructions Attachments A, B, & C (fill-in form) – If you are unable to use the signature feature, feel free to fill in the other fields, then print, sign, and send the signature page as one separate document with your proposal. Out of Home Respite Out-of-home respite to be provided at a Small Family Home (SFH) or Foster Family Agency Home. SFH is a Community Care Licensed home which serves the needs of children with developmental disabilities. Care is primarily provided by the family that resides in the home. Additional staff may be hired to assist in the care of the children and may include family members. These facilities will serve children ages ten (10) to eighteen (18). Children will need support in some or all of the following areas: management of inappropriate social behaviors, developing coping skills to minimize self-injurious behavior, forming and maintaining healthy attachments (potentially including sexual behavior and boundaries), compliance with probation/diversion plans, substance abuse prevention, medication management, dressing, hygiene and grooming and health care Out of Home Respite Service Summary Guidelines RFP Instructions Attachments A, B, & C (fill-in form) – If you are unable to use the signature feature, feel free to fill in the other fields, then print, sign, and send the signature page as one separate document with your proposal. Adult Residential Facility An adult residential facility (ARF) is a Community Care licensed home which serves the needs of individuals with developmental disabilities. Residents range in age from eighteen (18) to fifty-nine (59) and may be non-ambulatory. A facility with all beds licensed for non-ambulatory individuals is preferred, but a minimum of two (2) non-ambulatory beds is required. Cognitive functioning of individuals referred may range from moderate to severe intellectual disability. Some individuals may be dually diagnosed with autism and/or mental health challenges; some may have aggressive/assaultive or self-injurious behaviors. Development and implementation of behavioral plans and consultation with a qualified behaviorist or mental health professional is required (see Title 17 for description of service codes 612 and 620 for behavioral consultant qualifications). ARF Service Summary Guidelines RFP Instructions Attachments A, B, & C (fill-in form) – If you are unable to use the signature feature, feel free to fill in the other fields, then print, sign, and send the signature page as one separate document with your proposal. Housing Services Housing services in San Luis Obispo County will be developed to provide increased access to affordable housing opportunities for individuals supported by Tri-Counties Regional Center. Posted Oct 28, 2016. Housing Services Summary Guidelines RFP Instructions Attachments A, B, & C (fill-in form) – If you are unable to use the signature feature, feel free to fill in the other fields, then print, sign, and send the signature page as one separate document with your proposal. Timeline RFP Posted: 10/27/2016 Info Conference: 11/28/2016 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM at the SLO TCRC office located at 3405 Broad Street, Suite 103 in the Large Conference Room Info Conference Q&A Proposals Due: 12/18/2016 RFP Interview Notification: 1/30/2016
March 2017 RFP - Closed
Applied Behavior Analysis – Behavior Management Consultant or Behavior Analyst and Behavior Management Assistant Behavioral Management Consultation provides functional, evidence-based treatments and interventions tailored to each individual and their family’s needs in order to improve the individual’s and their family’s quality of life by implementing interventions that consider the whole person. The consultation service is intended to provide psychoeducation to promote transfer of understanding and stimulus control to the parent or staff. The age group served by behavioral management consultation is typically school-aged through adulthood. Services will typically be provided for six (6) to thirty-six (36) months. The consultation service is intended to provide psychoeducation to promote caregivers’ understanding of multiple contributors to behavior and for caregivers’ to obtain skills to promote positive behavior and increased independence. Behavioral Analyst services provide functional, evidence-based treatments and interventions tailored to each individual and their family’s needs in order to improve the individual’s and their family’s quality of life by implementing interventions informed by the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and systemic contributors to psychological development and functioning. Services are intended to enable the individual to achieve behavioral goals and promote independence. The age group served by ABA is typically eighteen (18) months to adolescence. TCRC recognizes that behavioral support services may be indicated across the lifespan and that behavioral consultation may be indicated for adults as well. Services will typically be provided for twelve (12) to thirty-six (36) months with fading of services to begin after approximately eighteen (18) to twenty-four (24) months. Applied Behavior Analysis – Behavior Management Consultant or Behavior Analyst and Behavior Management Assistant Service Summary Guidelines RFP Instructions Attachments A, B, & C (fill-in form) – If you are unable to use the signature feature, feel free to fill in the other fields, then print, sign, and send the signature page as one separate document with your proposal. Specialized Residential Facility (SRF) for Adults with Severe Behaviors An SRF is a Community Care Licensed home which serves the needs of individuals with developmental disabilities. This facility will serve adult males or females aged eighteen (18) to fifty-nine (59) who are diagnosed with developmental disabilities and who may be ambulatory or non-ambulatory. Challenges may include anger, aggression, self-injurious behavior, AWOL and difficulty forming and maintaining healthy attachments. Noise mitigation may need to be addressed. The home will be a long-term living arrangement. Specialized Residential Facility (SRF) for Adults with Severe Behaviors Service Summary Guidelines RFP Instructions Attachments A, B, & C (fill-in form) – If you are unable to use the signature feature, feel free to fill in the other fields, then print, sign, and send the signature page as one separate document with your proposal. Adult Residential Facility (ARF) Level 4 An adult residential facility (ARF) is a Community Care licensed home which serves the needs of individuals with developmental disabilities. Residents range in age from eighteen (18) to fifty-nine (59) and may be non-ambulatory. A facility with all beds licensed for non-ambulatory individuals is preferred, but a minimum of two (2) non-ambulatory beds is required. Cognitive functioning of individuals referred may range from moderate to severe intellectual disability. Some individuals may be dually diagnosed with autism and/or mental health challenges; some may have aggressive/assaultive or self-injurious behaviors. Development and implementation of behavioral plans and consultation with a qualified behaviorist or mental health professional is required (see Title 17 for description of service codes 612 and 620 for behavioral consultant qualifications). Adult Residential Facility (ARF) Level 4 Service Summary Guidelines RFP Instructions Attachments A, B, & C (fill-in form) – If you are unable to use the signature feature, feel free to fill in the other fields, then print, sign, and send the signature page as one separate document with your proposal. Children’s Residential Facility A children’s residential home is licensed by the State of California, Community Care Licensing (CCL). It provides residential services for children with developmental disabilities who have significant behavioral needs. If multiple homes are proposed, please indicate this intention. Children’s Residential Facility Service Summary Guidelines RFP Instructions Attachments A, B, & C (fill-in form) – If you are unable to use the signature feature, feel free to fill in the other fields, then print, sign, and send the signature page as one separate document with your proposal. Day Program – Community Integration with Medical Component This day program service shall: Provide meaningful, enjoyable activities while specifically meeting the needs of ambulatory and non-ambulatory individuals aged 18 or older who have chronic medical needs. Personalized community activities are required. This service must be designed to meet the needs of people who may have severe physical challenges and communication deficits, with or without cognitive disabilities, and individuals who require specialized health care services. Services and supports must include: monitoring of chronic medical conditions, assistance with various types of adaptive devices or medical equipment including oxygen and assistance with eating, transferring or toileting. Provide evidence based behavioral support to people who have behaviors which exceed the scope of services provided by a typical day program. Challenges may include low tolerance to frustration, aggression, self-injurious behavior, and AWOL. Development and implementation of behavioral plans are required in consultation with a qualified specialist (see Title 17 for description of service codes 612 and 620 for qualifications). Day Program – Community Integration with Medical Component Service Summary Guidelines RFP Instructions Attachments A, B, & C (fill-in form) – If you are unable to use the signature feature, feel free to fill in the other fields, then print, sign, and send the signature page as one separate document with your proposal. Day Program – Community Integration and Employment Skills This is a creative day program opportunity for people who have moderate to severe maladaptive behaviors which exceed the scope of services provided by a typical day program. Challenges may include anger, aggression, self-injurious behavior, AWOL and difficulty forming and maintaining healthy attachments. Program will focus on pre-employment skills training, soft skills training, and community integration including paid and volunteer positions within the community. Individuals may be ambulatory or non-ambulatory. Development and implementation of behavioral plans may be required in consultation with a qualified specialist (see Title 17 for description of service codes 612 and 620 for qualifications). Day Program – Community Integration and Employment Skills Service Summary Guidelines RFP Instructions Attachments A, B, & C (fill-in form) – If you are unable to use the signature feature, feel free to fill in the other fields, then print, sign, and send the signature page as one separate document with your proposal. Independent Living Services (ILS) Independent Living Services (ILS) provides community-based, structured, skill-based training programs designed to teach adults the skills and behaviors necessary to live in their own home; or to achieve greater independence while living in the home of a parent, family member, or other person. ILS programs provide skills training for adults who generally have acquired basic self-help skills, or who, because of their physical disabilities, do not possess basic self-help skills, but can employ and supervise aides to assist them in meeting their personal needs. Independent Living Services (ILS) Service Summary Guidelines RFP Instructions Attachments A, B, & C (fill-in form) – If you are unable to use the signature feature, feel free to fill in the other fields, then print, sign, and send the signature page as one separate document with your proposal. Infant Development Program An Infant Development Program is a multi-disciplinary program serving infants and toddlers under the age of three (3) years with a developmental delay in areas of cognitive, physical/motor, communication, social/emotional, and /or adaptive development. Services will include at a minimum the following: Early Interventionists, speech therapy, physical therapy and occupational therapy. Infant Development Program Service Summary Guidelines RFP Instructions Attachments A, B, & C (fill-in form) – If you are unable to use the signature feature, feel free to fill in the other fields, then print, sign, and send the signature page as one separate document with your proposal. Out-of-Home Respite Out-of-home respite to be provided at a Small Family Home (SFH) or Foster Family Agency Home. SFH is a Community Care Licensed home which serves the needs of children with developmental disabilities. Care is primarily provided by the family that resides in the home. Additional staff may be hired to assist in the care of the children and may include family members. These facilities will serve children ages seven (7) to eleven (11) or twelve (12) to eighteen (18). Children will need support in some or all of the following areas: management of inappropriate social behaviors, developing coping skills to minimize self-injurious behavior, forming and maintaining healthy attachments (potentially including sexual behavior and boundaries), compliance with probation/diversion plans, substance abuse prevention, medication management, dressing, hygiene and grooming and health care. Out-of-Home Respite Service Summary Guidelines RFP Instructions Attachments A, B, & C (fill-in form) – If you are unable to use the signature feature, feel free to fill in the other fields, then print, sign, and send the signature page as one separate document with your proposal. Timeline RFP Posted: 3/22/2017 Info Conference: 4/5/2017 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM at the Santa Barbara Tri-Counties Regional Center office in the Annex Conference Room Info Conference Q&A Proposals Due: 4/23/2017 RFP Interview/Award Notification: 5/31/2017