Services in the Early Start Program

Services in the Early Start Program

Each eligible child will be assigned a Service Coordinator who will be responsible for the coordination of early intervention services. Eligible children and their families may receive a variety of early intervention services. Services for young children are...
Who is Eligible for Early Start?

Who is Eligible for Early Start?

1. Children with a development delay of 25% in one or more of the following areas of development:  • Social — emotions, interacting with others  • Adaptive — daily activities such as eating and dressing  • Physical — large and small movements  • Communication...
Transition: Who will be there?

Transition: Who will be there?

Who will be there? To assist with a discussion about special education, a representative from your local school district may be invited to the transition meeting to explain the various options and eligibility criteria. Your Service Coordinator will help explain...
Special Education Eligibility

Special Education Eligibility

You may be concerned about your child’s learning in the school environment, TCRC may assist with the discussion. Your child may be eligible for special education through their local education agency. Your child’s disability must impact her or his school performance....
Family Resource Centers

Family Resource Centers

Family Resource Centers work in partnership with regional centers to help meet the needs of their communities. These centers provide a vital network of parent support, including a way for parents to connect with other parents in similar situations. They offer...