Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE) Incentive Payments

Incentive payments of up to $3,750 per individual are available to service providers of Tri-Counties Regional Center for helping the individuals we serve obtain and maintain competitive integrated employment (CIE). For individuals participating in internships or other work experience or training programs, employment start dates are the first day of work after completion of the internship, work experience or training program.  Businesses owned or operated by TCRC-vendored service providers are considered training programs.

The following requirements for CIE incentive payments must be verified by the employer:

1)  The employee must earn at least minimum wage and make the same amount of money that other employees make doing the same job.

2)  The employee must be doing an individual job and be included in community and/or worksite activities to the same extent as individuals without disabilities.

3)  The employee must have maintained continuous employment from the start date of work throughout the end of the period for which the incentive payment is requested.

Payments will be awarded as follows:

  • 30 Days:      $1,000
  • 6 Months:     $1,250 (additional)
  • 12 Months:   $1,500 (additional)

4)  Payments may only be made to approved TCRC service providers.  Contact Resource Development at 805-351-3121 to learn how to become a provider.